Think Twice - Endgame! (3/5)

I understand what the word means, Could you explain how i did that?

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sorry i thought you meant the meaning. its not always obvious in mafia especially with me because i tend to use alot of weird words to describe how i feel
as for showing it like, not really. you can see it if you like, read the topics of your post you very rarely stuck to an idea. theres very little progression between them.

yes but like. What do i have little progression on

…your thoughts

your little game with ishmael

whatever happened between you and beancat

Bc i dont think i really even had any “ideas” made public until these posts

And ive stuck with them, which is actually a fairly rare thing for me to do so ur calling me out for something I do all the time the one time I dont even do it

I read their posts? Do i have to come to thread and waffle on a beancat read for 30 minutes to be valid? I read their posts, went “this person is probably town”, and posted that

Youre rather angry

Im not angry?

Sarcasm != anger lol

Youre rather confrontational

I just treated myself to some starbucks im living high

Is being confrontational scum indicitave? Bc if so lock me tf up

@Aleph @beancat eod in 2 hours and 14 min! :P

I mean depending on the situation a little bit but I’m telling you because it spooks me and id rather have a more relaxed conversation

Like this is just a playstyle diff, except you’re scumreading me for it for some reason even though none of my behavior is scum indicative its just a diff way of playing, so its hard to follow your line of thinking which is prob just cause youre pushing agenda and dont actually have much in terms of a “line of thinking”

This is a 5 player game with less than 200 posts, if ur not finding some niche weird reason to scum/townread someone ur not playing it right

I’m not gonna not play the way I like to play and have found most successful because it spooks you

im not. scum reading you because of it though i just find it hard to interact with. I am trying to talk is all

Got class so bye bye, hoping 2 see more from ishmael