Think Twice - Endgame! (3/5)

alrighty then
doesn’t make sense to say that given weve not had this conversation before but glad to hear

YoubutWorse (1): tutuu
tutuu (1): YoubutWorse

Not Voting (3): Aleph, beancat, lilith

Ritualist First to reach most votes in tie: YoubutWorse

just me but ybw recent posting feels like the thrashing of someone whose drowning.

somethin in thread probably procced their fight or flight and now here we are

now do i think this is town flailing or wolf flailing


d1 town death straight up isn’t that big a deal in think twice you literally get a redo

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i don’t think a town flails as much as a wolf here given we have a delayed D1 death incase of a ML

ergo i’m more inclined to believe this is the flailing of a wolf. Whether its godfather or goon idk all i do know is that if i find a wolf i’ll kill a wolf

not gonna put it at L-1 yet but consider my vote being on YBW for all intents and purposes

p.s. if we can get a wolf here i think we’ll be golden

holy shit i got up to take a piss and that was still sending wtf

slow post or gold split on the piss to clarify

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Very important

slow post

Okay but that answer isnt funny

i always gold split my pisses i’m the fastest pisser i know

thank you ishmael we all laughed

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who tf is WE

the audience? who else would be cheering

thought you were an amalgamation of persons for a second

not in the DID way but in the eldritch horror way

oh that too but that’s a whole other can of worms

I genuinely don’t understand how you reach this conclusion

Could you explain further

is confident about reads and fights back against incorrect statements of the gamestate
