Think Twice - Endgame! (3/5)

i liked you a lot in that one popcorn game where leafia shot 3 wolves. you were the good badeline. the other badeline - madeline - she was a bit more rough around the edges

Literally in the poat game from combinatoeics i mention thst i am badeline and speak as a player pf the game multiple times :sob:

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I just saw her today should i tell her you think im the better mafia player

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and i didnt necessarily mean skill, i wasnt like judging or rating that. i was just saying you were very nice and she was a bit rough :sob:

shes my other half, a Part of Me

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anyway im going to bed, thoughts have been made clear, should be around to vote at EOD (will be in class but will be on my lappytop not paying attention lmao)


I might fall asleep

VOTE: YouButWorse

Sorry if wrong! :heart:

i think tutuu is cooking

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tutuu polarized

VOTE: Tutuu

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by this i mean ā€œread their iso and u can see their thought process doesnt make much senseā€

Id rather not die bc tutuu voting me did make me more certain theyre town but like. Iā€™m down to be conf for a day

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Tbc i do still think the team is tutuu/lilith lol

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I think if im wrong on anybody its prooob ishmael? But i also dont think im wrong so i havent given it much thought lol

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If tutuu is mafia with lilith theyre prob godfather and this is gg. Could still be mafioso but the way lilith said ā€œi think tutuu is cookingā€ reads as someone who needs to save their godfather from being voted, as i think typically youd prob bus in this setup? Not sure. Knowing theres more than 2 days made me basically scrap all the theorys i had for mafia gameplay and ive moved onto ā€œfuck it we ballā€

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Catch me thinking once in think twice :brain:

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no one was pushing tutuu except Me bestie i did not need to save him. You are not cooking

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I mean 1. What changed your mind from tutuu onto me then if you were pushing them and 2. How do you feel about the fact that is false since both me and bean are pushing them lmao

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i was never sold on tutuu i was sold on beancat. when waking up today i read your posts and they were kind of jumpy in a way i didnt like. tutuu just rog fuck it we balling his way into the votes is a good look for him. poe you and beancat after that

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also you want to be me

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wdym by jumpy?

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going from one idea to the next without much time being put into anything in particular

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