Think Twice - Endgame! (3/5)

tutuu is liking all of my posts

is this a pocketing attempt

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no this is just what they do

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iirc reaction tests are >>>rand town

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that’s the joke lol

eliza’s not in this game so i gotta make that joke with someone

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even if the behavior is overall uncharacteristic?

i think characteristic / uncharacteristic is the most, like, baseline thing to read people off of, not what they actually do or not, if they believe in some concept or not

reaction tests are lazy and can be used as an excuse for a wolf to then town read someone without it being outed as TMI

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okay let me rephrase my thought

iirc reaction tests are >>rand town in general, not specific to ybw

my memory is shit and i cannot remember whether it’s characteristic (this goes for everyone)

but usually when people do reaction tests it draws attention to them and ppl go “wtf are you saying” and they have a tendency to have heightened scrutiny which is something that’s usually not wanted as town

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my brain is good enough to remember the last 3 games ive played and nothing else and in those games lol put out some questionable posts as town that eventually got them killed

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i agree with this on principle yeah. i just dont think youbie is the type. for instance SirDerpsAlot is the type, or Achromatic

feel free to provide me with evidence and ill see if im convinced

as previously mentioned my memory is shit so i don’t remember any other three’s type you mentioned

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i linked some posts here from a prior game and the game Think Twice - Day 1 (5/5) - #112 by tutuu

i think youbie played that one very standard / textbook-y, wasn’t lying about her thoughts

i did see that and i do have some questions

are you usually this timid

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i mean i think that’s just how 22 is as a person based off my knowledge of them

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the reason i like ybw is mostly here
tutuu is saying as if reaction tests are “not standard townie” but that’s frankly not really the case, early d1s are usually full of reaction tests from everyone and mostly towns cause that’s how you get interactions, that’s how you get people talking, and ybw is doing exactly that and then saying that’s exacctly what they’re thinking

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what fascinates you so my dear lilith

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y-y-yeah :confounded:

(when im not like, messing around. i try to take mafia seriously or at least, not in the bad way of seriously but not like, disregard it for the sake of fucking around. yeah. so when im serious and myself im like this :sweat_smile: )

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no, i claimed the opposite!