Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

“Can roll once.”
So it can’t roll twice or thrice.

Yeah to be honest I’m not doing much even by my standards, I’m not gonna justify it there’s no excuses here I’m just not active and I’ll fix it

So looking back there’s nothing special that jumps out to me in particular but I think the talk about mechanics makes me raise some eyebrows, kinda seems like people there are just talking to talk it doesn’t feel like a real organic conversation. Nothing progressed there just “you talked about mech. Bad.” “Ok”

I’m welcome to hear your case on me

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Why are we voting Cyanide? Even if they are mafia, the town would cripple without her posting

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that hasn’t stopped me

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Zorvo made a case on me earlier based off a few posts I made, if you want to read it
I don’t have a reason for Hippo

@thepigeonnyc It starts here

That was more asking you to build a case on me, to get a better read on my slot and vice versa

I could just be tired but I find this post hard to understand.

I think I’m having to agree, he sounds like he’s forcing posts out to not look suspicious
VOTE: Zorvo

What’s your case on Hippo? I’m having trouble finding it

This is the reasoning I’ve posted on his slot

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Sorry if I’ve felt especially rude today
Getting over food poisoning and waking up at 3 isn’t
It’s not an excuse if I have been, but

If this is all you’re going to contribute, maybe I should vote you instead.

Kiiruma I told you I know you talk about Mech, but I’m not fucking stupid, I know you can talk about actual read content.
Calling it wolfy is dumb because you know I’m right.

I admit you love Mech talk.
But you also should be providing like, actual read content.

This doesn’t count because your basing it on the fact I took issue of you talking about JUST MECH.

I don’t get the Zorvo case as ive never played with zorvo but you’re all pro gamers and I trust your reads

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I swear it’s been 24 hours yet half the thread hasn’t posted yet

this is an 18p game but it feels like a 7p game so idk how to make of it

For reference, Kiiruma invited Hazard to this site.
They have personal relations.

While I don’t directly agree with this because Jarek has done this kinda shit before.
I think this push is a good look for Eevee.

I like the fact Hazard admitted this, I’ll give them a pass for today for being honest.

Ice is correct.
Eevee’s push on Jarek again is Townie for them.

And then the fact I think they are also talking about Mech, is another good look because they are doing both.

MF, you can say more then Mech, look at Eevee

Eevee - Town
Kiiruma - Wolf

Base Difference