Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

A lot more inquistive early posts

A lot of what I’ve been saying was to mess around with people
I still want to have fun with that, try not to ruin it entirely

Although I think it’ll be more boring now
Why am I sooo compulsive

+1 Kabazame doesn’t feel much different from their last game I skimmed.

They are usually pretty good player, technically I shouldn’t be townreading them because of their capabilities but I have been agreeing with them on their read on you Cyanide.

Oh well!
I was probably getting n1’d anyway

Bro if someone gave a strong town read on Kiiruma right now in this game.
They are fucking wolf.

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well I mean it’s not like im gonna out u or anything unless you want me to lol

have fun do a bit of balling

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This post strikes me as weird, for a reason I’m not sure I should call out due to the suspicion on me

call it out anyway

He’s voting me over someone he’s so dead certain is a wolf

I wasn’t picking up any reads early on that game so I was poking around. This game your post pinged my scumdar so I jumped on it

Kiiruma has said nothing of substance to issue such a strong town read lol.
Barley anything to issue a town read or even town lean.
If someone had a legit town sorta read on Kiiruma it should be NullTown since the dude has legit only posted about Mech.

Can you do a bigger iso on me rather then focusing on the one post, then?

did he call a strong wolfread on kiiruma? i thought he just was snappy at them

you liked this post

I said they are likely a wolf yes but never said so damn certain.

Your capable of realizing why a strong town read or even a town read on Kiiruma right now is bad right?

that was last game, it was Hazard and he was town (as was Kiiruma)
he did get some heat for potential TMI though

No, I don’t
I think he’s acting like he does as town

So you think his posting is Townie?

As scum, Kiiruma is constantly plotting and planning, trying his heart out to win and trying to get under your skin
He n1’d you because you suspected him, right?