Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!


min here tp/lo on me

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actually i get the whole eliza seeming nervous thing now

krill issue

Ah I’ll respond to Frost before I dip.

I think it’s optimal to go for either.

Doesn’t really matter here.
Only really matters to themselves (Jackel and Mafia)

I think our objective is to just get any slot that opposes us executed and then perhaps try and focus on that team and get that team out early.

But again there is probably gonna be some conflict between the 2 teams anyway, so yeah it doesn’t really matter who we eliminate.

these are bold statements 30 posts into the game

@Cyanide is there any particular reason you omitted a read on Zorvo despite him being the most active poster so far?

funnily enough, i don’t agree with the Eliza-seeming-scared read but the clarification Eliza asked for felt self-conscious

gut tells me that bold/aggressive players this early on are like 80% town

this was where i begun to agree tbhze

i was just gonna ask about your progress haha. consider us mindmelding

this only works if it’s W!Eliza - T!Cyanide though

do you have reads on any other players?

LHF usually have tells specific to those individuals so we’ll need someone with meta knowledge if we want to do this

good luck being a leader o/

icets tp/lo message probably more likely to come from town than mafia but nothing much besides tgat

even knowing it’s probably a joke

we don’t read into those out loud unless we think it’s mafia

i Probably should’ve realized that my bad :sob:

it’s okay LOL. that reaction seems genuine enough

do you have any social reads on people? what do you think of Zorvo wanting to lead?

zorvo kinda always tries to take lead tbh

at least tries to have an impression on thread. it doesn’t really seem particularly special in either way

At the time, he only had one game relevant post, and it was a vt claim. I didn’t want to comment on it, for obvious reasons

That can explain not giving a fuck about priority which faction need to get exe’d first

I think the mooglefanclub two player group is townish based off of his reaction to Rajidae, with his reaction to Eliza being… fine
Rajidae is fine, but I definitely need to wait a bit to get a better read on someone trying to find their ground
Zorvo is kinda weird inthread, like he’s having a hard time trying to figure out what we’re saying?
I wanna scrutinize Eliza a bit

This are things I’ve just gained off of 100 posts, so it’s nothing really standing