Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Just point me out, thank you.

I’ll make you happy because this has a shot of clearing my name
VOTE: Kabazame

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no it doesn’t?

if they flip non-recruit it means nothing for you it just means that the chance they are a recruit doesn’t go against you

the only reason you jumped to it is because you realised it’s a chance to save yourself more than voting zorvo

OK then
Who do you want me to vote between Zorvo and Kabazame (voting anyone else will lead to me becoming the top wagon so not happening)

Go on?

You should be obvious town after Kabazame flips Wolf.

@Magnus will probably still deny it and push you though but they are also probably a wolf in that case though lol.

Didn’t see the other 2. Or at least remember them.

I can understand Magnus though, Magnus is pushing town.

This is a valid thought process, Townie mindset.

They know I haven’t liked Kiiruma this game, so they don’t know why I am not voting them.

However I made it clear about Kabazame.

My initial vote on them was because Kiiruma voted and I have read Kiiruma as leaning Jackel over Group Mafia so I was willing to entertain that as a wagon.

Then when Kabazame made a terrible defence on Pigeon with “TWTBW” it came across to me as a wolf making a read on a town member.

I’m surprised you never called them out and questioned their Pigeon read.


Have you even tried to talk with Kabazame about their Pigeon read further or even brought up your opinion on their read?

Didn’t think so.

And oh Frost that’s a bad look for you tbh, better tell me your thoughts on Kabazame right now tbh.

Why do you seem so confident magnus is town?

Politely Disagree.

It does clear Pigeon, that TWTBW defence screams wolf making town read on villager with little to no effort to try and seem good.

You know about that right?

Can I have your number for your crack dealer?

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Good luck talking to a guy that hasn’t posted anything in 26 hours

My point is they never even tried going.


Next time you get on can you answer a question I have for you.

They could have done that

In 10 mins I’ll be getting off to start work and won’t be here for EoD, just a heads up.


Either you push villagers into a wolf flip today or just push villagers in to a wolf flip tomorrow after my execution.

I don’t care either way.
Don’t let Frost or Magnus lead tomorrow, you should lead.

Remember these reads everybody!

Frost is my weakest town read

Man what game have you been reading?