Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Day ends at 6 right

If you are jackal and we don’t hit mafia in hang, you need to try kill mafia tonight because this is about to be a stomp for both of us and u

I can’t put my finger besides the fact this whole EoD1 final count is off, like way off.

It ends in 42 minutes

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So who do you think the Mafia is?

Magnus CFD? I think they were posturing a lot earlier and their random insistence Rajidae was 100% town didn’t make any sense.

am i using cfd in right context. i mean switch vote

I think the term you would use is wolf, but since Pigeon have explained his case in just few posts.

VOTE: Zorvo


I scumread Magnus and even voted him earlier in the day, though I don’t remember the reasons
In order to preserve myself though, my vote is stuck on either Zorvo or Kabazame, but I would be happy to join you on a Magnus wagon once enough people have agreed

Hold on I’ll check on this

Wazza doesn’t like Zorvo pushing Cyanide, because it doesn’t make much sense

Now she changes her tune and says she can get behind it

Now she’s gone all the way to liking Zorvo and not liking Cyanide. Important to note that Cyanide was in the lead at this point.

don’t like the switch to voting Zorvo here with no game relevant posts in between

This is in response to Zorvo, but the vote hasn’t moved. Also just three town reads an an iffy read, not pushing anything

She really can’t decide if Zorbo is town or wolf

In response to Zorvo asking if she thinks he’s mafia now

this feels like the opportunistic wolf jumping on me as the easy target. As was jumping on Zorvo for Eliza’s mech reasons but refusing to actually call him scum

I feel like Wazza hasn’t done much besides a very weak push on Jarek. I realize this way sound hypocritical from me but at least I stuck to my guns on Cyanide. She has felt very opportunistic, flipping on Cyanide when she was in the lead, voting Zorvo despite reading him town due to mech, and then jumping on my wagon because I wasn’t around. It all stinks to me, but I doubt there’s time to get a train going but I want this out there in case I’m axed


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I don’t really like the kabazame wagon they seem pretty similair to last game


VOTE: Magnus

OK so basically similar reasons to Zorvo

I only just found this response, and it looks pretty bad because I had yet to even mention Hippo when he paired us so it looks like he’s making up reasons to execute me

Yeah that was dumb. I hadn’t mentioned you either at that point. I hadn’t mentioned like 10 different players when Magnus said that because I had mostly just shitpost so picking you out was so random

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Imo Magnus has come in with loads of posts but he didn’t really feel like he was trying to actually get anywhere. Dipped for last half of day.

Zorvo and Eliza should probably still be cleared up somehow and Zorvo probably is just a wolf tho so idk

I will vote Zorvo over pigeon an (obviously) myself but not sure if he’s scum or not. That ISO is a little too deep for me to dive into atm :smiling_face_with_tear:

unless we can pull off a B8 Special, which is where we all pile on and execute someone at the last minute