Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

nah I noticed, I was just letting you know why I did step in just so you wouldn’t think anything of it


I tend to also post way too much so I’m gonna dip and try to be more careful with the amount I post because I’m already past 50 posts.

Zorvo (2): mooglefanclub, ElizaThePsycho
Cyanide (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (15): Marluna, Rajidae, IcetFeelsPain, Wazza, Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, eevee, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, thepigeonnyc, Jarek, Chihiro, Cyanide, ImpMan, Kabazame

interesting but bet

now i wait behind the bushes for more people to post si i can eat their brain

Best execution: The Jackal.

Mafia then know that they’re doing fine when it comes to dealing with the traitor in their midst, are able to risk executing into their group possibly and mafia have control over their factional kill either way instead of the recruit having control.

The Town recruit will gain an even-night factional kill but overall it halves our KPN which overall gives us time to stabilise.

Not quite halves.
But like 3 kills every 2 nights (on average) is better than 2 kills every night.

Spidey sense


hippo ur so funny (klaus)

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I’m back!
And I burnt my right hand because I’m a dumbass
I’d like to talk to Kiiruma about his opinion on the gamestate, if possible

This is more of an open invitation then I phrased it, sorry
If anyone’s here I’m willing to talk!


Not a huge fan of them only talking about Mech and Jackel.

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I want to see their place in thread before placing a more solid read
Do you have a read on Hippopablo and Wazza?

IMO I would like more elaboration from Hippo on some stuff they said.

Not sure on Wazza right now, I know their wolf tell though if they do the thing they do as wolf I’ll spot it.

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Multiballs are the funniest setups

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I feel like Hippo’s trying too hard to emulate him being “chill” in thread, and isn’t really trying in a way to differ himself in a believable way either
I’d like to see more from Wazza, mhm, but for a different reason

I didn’t fully process setup info yet don’t mind me

This is a 12 v 3 v 3

Mafia has a kill
Jackal has a kill

Around 2 kpn with possibility of other kills

I love the ratios for this ngl bc it’s multiball and it isn’t a 20p setup

Around 3 misexes before town loses maj

I realize why multiball setups are 20p now

Wait, the mech dude spoke about mech? Crazy.
And not only that but the main mech in this setup which differentiates it from normal mafia games?
Gosh damn, can’t believe I’d do such crazy things.

It is basically midnight here so I’ll be resting. But I shall be happy to talk about things when I’m having any sort of existent energy.

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no i disagree