Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!


Kabazameā€™s case on me was literal garbage lmfao

it was ā€œthey changed their thoughts between the daysā€

ainā€™t no way

Sweet, @Wazza pick who claims next.


  • ElizaThePsycho


  • eevee
  • Marluna
  • Frostwolf103
  • Jarek
  • thepigeonnyc
  • Wazza


  • Kiiruma
  • Hazardwaste
  • Hippopablompoyeetus
  • Chihiro
  • Magnus
  • Kabazame

gonna be honest with you, Iā€™m busy responding to this kabazame case but honestly I couldnā€™t care less


Just chose who you are interested in, but like only 6 people left anyway.

Cit here.
The reason why Iā€™m sad Iā€™m not Jackal is I wouldā€™ve been retrained lol

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go kabazame


  • ElizaThePsycho


  • eevee
  • Marluna
  • Frostwolf103
  • Jarek
  • thepigeonnyc
  • Wazza
  • Kiiruma


  • Hazardwaste
  • Hippopablompoyeetus
  • Chihiro
  • Magnus
  • Kabazame

If we have PRs just claiming citizens, Iā€™m gonna be legit mad.
But like also, if we have no scum claim PRs, thatā€™s free clears.


This case is not a good case, far from it so I have no clue why Pigeon thinks it is a ā€œgood caseā€ lmfao

This is the only form of content given, the rest of the case is literally just Kabazame stating what I did:

Not to mention, it doesnā€™t even make sense, the very ā€œweak push on Jarekā€ was me stating my thoughts, it wasnā€™t even much of a push but mostly me agreeing with Eeveeā€™s push, I was literally sheeping, itā€™s almost like Kaba didnā€™t even read the context.

The flipping on Cyanide thing just isnā€™t the case especially given itā€™s just me stating my thoughts not actually joining the wagon, why would I put myself against the player most likely to be the flip if itā€™s just going to make me look suspicious, itā€™s not like I even went for Cyanide I just felt their posting felt too AtEā€™y.

I voted Zorvo and stood by it for Elizaā€™s mech reasoning, then I flipped to you because Pigeon pointed something out and Zorvo seemed a lot more townier than believing some shaky mech reasoning when I realised Zorvo couldā€™ve easily have been targeted by a mafia as a town since they were the obvious cop check. Youā€™re not special, I didnā€™t switch to you because you werenā€™t there, I couldnā€™t give a shit if you were there or not

ok but you can be retrained and then
just claim cit.

But still, Iā€™d be something cool and probably would be going harder with things.

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Risky considering tracker claim.
I wonā€™t question it tho.

oh gods this is TMI

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VOTE: Magnus

I did think the way Magnus was referring to Raj as SPECIFICALLY the mafia recruit was a bit funny as well. Considering theyā€™re mafia.

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Maybe I should pressure it more.

VOTE: Magnus

Hereā€™s the mentions of Rajidae with how suspicious I feel they are.

Magnus - Very Suspicious
Magnus - Not Very
Icet - Not Very
Icet - Midway
Magnus - Semi-Suspicious
Hippo - Not at All

thatā€™s all was stated