Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

even better time to die

Re reading the situation its a bit weird. I can see where hippo is coming from and i get the implication he is trying to make with it. But he doesnt really continue the talk with raji after so i dont know if it was the proper reasoning. However he did do the same thing with cyanide later in a joking matter so i dont think its partner relatedā€¦ i dont know why am i doing the logic shit!

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??? Jarek i am sorry i am slanking. I am trying my hardest to stay in this game through uni stuff. But if your gonna push me even after i claimed pr i wont look at you any better.

Ok it appears that sarcasm does not translate into text my bad that even better time to die bit was a joke because Iā€™m not voting you :sunglasses:

uhm youā€™re also not slanking youā€™re getting pushed by my trademark ā€œI had a read at one point and I canā€™t change my mindā€ :tm: push

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Oh cool we have a revealed Mayor
Do we kill Magnus and Wazza? Iā€™m gonna make sure we get two executions by VOTE: Wazza

Yeahā€¦ this is why i dont try to play mafia 3 minutes after i wake up XD. Sorryā€¦

Itā€™s my fault sarcasm translates poorly over text

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Iā€™m clear.

Thank you. I just wanted to ensure that I wasnā€™t going off on a tangent, but since you reached a similar conclusion it helps to show that my perspective makes more sense than Hippoā€™s does.

how so

I donā€™t want to think it to be Wazza because then Zorvo wins.

PR count.

Plus if you think Iā€™m a town traitor then my townread on Rajidae was genuine either way.

it isnā€™t me if you want to know
you can kill me honestly couldnā€™t care less at this point no matter if I would rather not

What if we kill Chihiro?

id be down

Main points against killing Chihiro are that his frustration seemed genuine at times, and he allegedly didnā€™t know about the Jackal mechanic.
Granted, Rajidae said the same thing so the latter point is less trustworthy.

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We only have 16 hours to hammer two people
We need to decide what to do

You have never mentioned Chihiro by name. Whatā€™s your read on them?

I want Magnus to go no matter what Iā€™m ngl

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