Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

I’ve been doing more than most but even so…well no I don’t understand how I’d be Poe.

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Why is that exactly anyway

I’m not sure how to word it. I’ve been looking at certain micro behaviours or phrases you’ve been using, like when you claimed citizen way earlier. I don’t think you’re cleared by any means, obviously, but I had you pulled out a while ago along with Frost and Eevee.

(If Pigeon’s evil it means he’s looking at villagers townreading Jarek to determine “consensus”, for the record.)

I’m assuming our second majority execution will end the day.

Alright, so hear me out: Wazza did not vote either Cyanide or Zorvo on the final day, and she has been voted a lot today. About the same players are voting her as those last two kills. I still read her as more likely good than evil, kinda. Is this really a kill people feel good about? Because I don’t.

I feel like claiming mafia is not in the spirit of the game and would argue it violates the rules

hold up


didn’t you just scumread me like 5 minutes ago?

Chihiro called Zorvo a miselimination which is possible TMI. That’s all I could find on him


I’m going to be completely honest with you.

It’s extremely hard to read for Jackal Recruits and Scum at the same time lmao because even if I suspect someone is a Jackal Recruit it doesn’t mean I suspect them as scum


might’ve gotten you mixed up then ig

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Better get posting buddy

i guess yeah.

Given I am likely to go to sleep soon, if y’all hammer once while I’m asleep and no one can reset the vc, ping the host account with votes so they are seen.

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Wazza (5): Frostwolf103, Kabazame, Jarek, thepigeonnyc, ElizaThePsycho
thepigeonnyc (4): Magnus, eevee (:tophat:)
Kabazame (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (5): Marluna, Wazza, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chihiro

2 executions remain

Could you vote someone, Wazza?

VOTE: thepigeonnyc

balling purely because I don’t want to risk it

I want Magnus dead as well tbh, still insisting

Wait where did my vote go?

@Amelia @Leafia.

What happened with this?

In what world does it make sense for me to be evil? Because there isn’t one that I see.