Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

oh thats awkward, so 1 of me hazard and eliza is not actually the rt pr

And I’m perfectly fine with it.

so what
we have a lookout, a tracker and whatever hazard is

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I’m gonna still ignore it.

im retrobutionist

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I thought you were obsessed with getting rid of these Jackals

One of them could easily be a citizen → jackal PR role

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I mean, realistically it is jackal who is fakeclaiming.
Mafia killed a PR claim, not worried about tightening up PR fakeclaim zone.

And since mafia encompasses one of jackals, it is specifically town-jackal who is fakeclaiming.

At least it is most likely scenario.
In reality Magnus was obvious Tk, or maybe there is consig, so they knew killing them doesn’t tighten PR slots at all.

Yeah I can see thats what eevee intend to do.

I trust you, Kabazame and Kiiruma. That leaves Marluna, Jarek and Hippo.

So, now we have too many PRs huh?
And this is considering that there’s already likely to be 1 cit in the RT because of the doubled weighting

Realistically mafia will kill or roleblock Eliza and kill or roleblock Hazard.
They can’t afford having jackal killer when they are possibly inflitrated and theirs names known. Nor invests running around.

Plus that avoids the situation where one of them is mafia due to consig/ game knowledge to figure out Magnus is Tk.

But that would need me to focus on surgical operation of removing mafia-jackal today, when even mafia doesn’t know which of them is a traitor.


On the other hand, killing town jackal now leaves mafia to figure internal conflicts themselves.
Which is probably fine.

They would be even more rushed to do it tonight.
Cause otherwise jackal-mafia will be a killer and they instantly need to lower mafia chat down to 2 to prevent being executed.

My job would be done pretty much tonight then.
Not a bad idea.

Okay, let’s start with hippo and Marluna physically claim, to not have any student switches of turn.
Then we will listen to Eliza and Hazard I guess.

I will see what I can figure out of it.

Are you saying the mafia jackal got to use the night kill after the jackal dies, first?

Honestly from the fact we have too many PR claims, kinda makes me think one of them is a Cit Jackal Recruit who was retrained.

I’m kinda leaning on us having a Jackal Recruit Amnesiac. So that they can take the killing roles, as they’re non-unique. And it then means that they have a bonus killing ability.

Hooo? It is true, Town Jackal Firebrand with possibly the ignite that can kill all the doused targets that Magnus likely did previously.

It is funny right, that this is a loophole?

Btw. My offer for any faction to come out at any point if I focus on them and cooperate in getting other down stands.

I am mostly focusing on jackals, because I dislike that role as in general. I think it’s underdeveloped, not for any game reasons. So if anyone, (that including pidgeon yesterday, as I did, said to wait for them and unvoted) will want to do it, I’m still open.

If no one does, Jackals go down first.
Petty reason, but I need to be clear here.


Like, even gaining a 1-shot vig on town (+ multi shot on mafia if the mafia recruit can out their teammates) if they’d gotten unlucky and we’d rolled vig instead of firebrand is good.

AND they can still use their original jackal attack ability too, they literally min-maxing like D&D character on that.

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