Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

That information was not really needed.


Itā€™s fine

Considering there is hippo, there is one more evil in PR claims, I want rest of town to discuss where remaining evil is.

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Thatā€™s not a joke, thread will die otherwise, and we already know where to search 2 out of 4. So having initial thoughts about remaining 2 will help you.

Well my first thought would be 1f1 with eliza, assuming this resolves with an evil flip Iā€™d say, and I know I know this sounds bad, but hazard with the random doc claim is a little strange and out of nowhere

Gimmie a list of claims and Iā€™ll sift through them in my own time

I asked out of PRs.

i claimed pr yesterday jarek. all the other prā€™s were claiming so i thought that was what people wanted.

So the claims are
Cihirio, Eliza myself and hippo? am i missing one?

I need to break the habit of death tunnelling

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I donā€™t know where to go from here right now but jackal dying is good, would have preferred a second death

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would have been preffered XD but i think the jackal death puts us in a decent postition again

It doesnā€™t shift the goal posts all that much given the recruits can kill now but itā€™s still a dead evil

It does change it a tiny bit.
The recruit can kill but only every other night.

Exactly our timer is now shorter

Wait. Longer*

Wasnā€™t Ambusher on you N2?
If itā€™s confirmed?

Iā€™m stupidā€¦
Tracker works the other way around.

It makes almost no sense.

If mafia has an Ambusher, why wouldnā€™t they make the nighkill? (Or you think anyone would had any reason to visit Magnus?)

And no other mafia role really has any reason to visit the nightkill.
(It isnā€™t cleand and If it was forged the real TK most likely would have claimed already.)