Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

IceT was forged to make the other pr’s untrustworthy

Chichi used lookout ability or so they claim.

So Chichi claims IceT was real lookout.

oh nvm then.

happy to have wasted the last few minutes of my life

I mean, it’s still possible, but realistically it would mean RT rolled cit AND IceT was forged AND Chichi is mafia faking PR.

Which is too complicated for me to bother about rn. If you are scared of it later in game, you can always just remove Chichi first.

But it’s just unlikely anyway.

You did your best to make this theory improbable in the end

Chihiro is more believable than eliza.

Less bad points about Chihiro, I have yet to find anything positive about Eliza

Unlike you, I am not bound to this mechanical coils or chains that restricts you from thinking outside of the box

The discussion that the Jackal can retrain citizen into ammesiac so they can take killing role, while it is clear on the rules that the town recruit cannot start as town power or killing, nor can the jackal retrain them as such.

But we discussed this loophole indicate that you only get so far by not breaking the game.

Incapable for not taking action or simply to follow the mech whilst the social reads are more damning than a ‘redcheck’ is insulting

Incapable to take action, you know what I mean

So letting Wazza go and that is fine, and I don’t believe its because OG Jackal saving themselves from lynching the jackal recruit. Wazza is cleared from anything jackal related.

You can argue that Wazza could be Ambusher but that is based on assumption

No yeah… seems like to many interconnecting parts for it to work

And Eliza saw Hippo visiting Magnus so it cant be ambusher either

Frost, when did Wazza get to any of this?

We are talking about Hippo. Wtf.

Eevee you know damn well what I mean

And that much is clear.

I mean, it can be ambusher, but not one using it’s ability.
But assuming Magnus was roleblocked, which every logical thinking person would do, they obviously couldn’t ambush Magnus.

Like for me, rn you are flailing to offtopics. And stating stuff which is already known waaaay ago.

Eliza tried to execute an greencheck before she had to reveal that Wazza didnt visit anyone N2

So why isn’t she continuing this

Oh fuck off mate, off topics my foot.

Eliza is a liability and that should have been this case from D2 and D3