Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Executing the mafia today so the mafia cant make use of the double kill feature that will happen in two nights. Executing the likely town jackal candidate like Eliza will stop for killing two townies.

If Hippo is indeed the mafia and letting them go, the mafia will most likely him as traitor getting executed, thus we get what we wanted.

We’re not avoiding executing Hip just because then it lets mafia kill them.
It means that our 2 nomination would be ‘at best’ 1 town and 1 town recruit.
Which seems worse.

Sure, weak as hell and I doubt Pidgeon would notice it even if looking for it, but I dont mind assumption its jackal mafia instead if mafia.

But hinestly both are possible.

I dont think realistically it happens.

What jackals want to do is to reach solo mafia jackal existinf, since then they control 1.5 kpn (1 mafia kill and 0.5 town jackal kill).

Realistically if Hippo is mafia, jackals kill second non-jackal mafia and sit on 1.5 kpn. Which is also a no.

And they can freely do it, considering they know who is other mafia.

Thats why if Hippo is non-jackal mafia, theirs AND OUR only choice is to realistically cooperate and remove jackals.

Otherwise if hippo is mafia mafia, they lose tonight pretty much.

If we manage to snipe the town recruit, and mafia succesfuly kill the traitor the things changed that the Jackal’s today’s kill happens one day later and we don’t have to waste a day to execute the Mafia Jackal.

D4 7v4 → D5 6v2 (Wcs) → D6 3v2

We will have 1 possible missexe.

If we kill mafia:

Mafia kill town
Jackal kill town

D4 7v4 → D5 5v3 (WCS) → D6 3v3 (and this day Jackal town can kill again)

We have to play perfectly from tomorrow onwards. And we don’t even know if they managed to figure out who was the mafia traitor before the execution.

I don’t know about you, but the second scenario looks more grim to me…

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I doubt Town Jackal would target mafia if we exe a non-Jackal mafia, cuz town might be clever enough to figure out the last mafia via association, and after lynching last mafia game would slow down to the third speed, and town would have a lot of chance to find a lone killer.

At least not tonight.

They would.

Tripling the kill power of faction is always worth it.

And if they wont do it tonight, they need to wait till n6 to do so.

I’m confident that jackals will nearlly always kill last mafia tonight if we lynch mafia.

Greatest weakness of theirs faction is that now they have 0.5 kpn. While advantage is that they know who is who.

So why wouldnt they use theirs advantage to nullify theirs weakness. You get the point.

Thats why I want hippo to be here, cause I dont really want to kill mafia.

I’m probably going to give up on waiting at some point.

Ah sheesh eevee, Hippo has a life you know.

And soon he won’t within this game :D

@eevee I mean Kabazame is still a very viable Jackal recruit.
So if we murderise Hippo and Kabazame, it might be good for us.

I mean, yeah everyone is going to be wrong sometimes. I was wrong on Cyanide and Pigeon. Well, I was right about Pigeon not being mafia at least. I haven’t really been paying attention to the Jackal though and just trying to find scum. I very much disagree with Eevee’s philosophy in this regard but they are the mayor and I am a lowly peasant

Busy day I’ll be more active tomorrow

Spoilers: it won’t

well, maybe Hippo. I read him town but I was fooled last game so

Also do you really think if I was aligned with pigeon we would link ourselves so obviously? Give me a little credit here lol

I mean that is WIFOM but like really think about it

Mayor’s double execute works only the day they reveal, not until it eventually happens. (We missed the opportunity, when we only executed pigeon D4.)

Eh its fine, one evil is better than two town