Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

So you think it is more realistic that he is partnered with me, who he haven’t even interacted with?

Bruh, remember last time we ignored Achromatic’s dead votes?

I hadn’t bothered to read the mayor card, that sucks lol.

Eevee’s vote still counts as three for the reminder of the game, so yeah

It was just a reality check for Kii

I mean, yeah cause I know the chances of him being partnered with me are 0% lol

but in a vacuum, yes. I don’t think the Jackal would openly defend their recruits in the thread, just like scum usually doesn’t

yes, tutuu ended up being town. Wait, are you saying we should ignore Eevee?

There’s also something I find on Pigeon’s ISO regarding Hippo and Eliza, but I keep it quiet for now.

What I meant by that is that we can make decisions for ourselves.

But for now, I am waiting for the call of revolution.

True, but 3 votes is pretty powerful

and confirmed town

I mean yeah, I get that comparison towards like Achro who’s dead every N1 as one game they get to vote, people blindly follows the leader.

You know what I mean?

Eevee on other hand well, he’s not like Achro. But I appreciate he consider all the angles

oh god this is so partnered

So shocked

Yeah, Achro is always pushing to lead. I avoid leading positions.
Role here kinda forces me to do so.

That being said, my reads are usually more accurate than Achro’s.

Is there anything else we can talk about?

Looking by the states of things, we have the place shut tight on claims and know where to look.

Like what’s the worse it can happen with Jackal and this Ambusher, am I right Eliza?