Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

mate covid hits hard. get some rest.

Iā€™m impressed if you did that all while having covid

Well personally from a read of the situation the person who killed Frost was a person who wanted the mafia out and knew they were shooting the last one down, recruits know eachother so there is that too. Wonder if that means they think theyā€™re in deep or not or if they just thought getting rid of the mafia would be the safest bet

oh geez, its dead in hereā€¦ imma re read shit in the morning but i need you guys to wake up a bit as well. we are on 7 v 2 we have more chance to win this then ever before. we cant slank now cause our mayor is sick.

iā€™ll actually re read some stuff now. i wanna re read kaba/wazza/kiiruma from the non prā€™s and Chirio/Elizaā€™s isoā€™s. i think those have the most likely chance to have evils in themā€¦ i thinkā€¦ fuck i dont know

actually in fairness its probably dead cause our big speakers are all deadā€¦

I am definetly not a big speaker.

So when I have more than the third of the last dayā€™s postcount it fill strange. (It usually donā€™t happen even in F3 situationsā€¦)

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Thanks Eliza :heart:

As of now, does it worth thinking in pairs and worrying about which one is mafia/town after we find a suitable candidate?

I mean Iā€™m not a big post maker either.
But honestly I give my thoughts at least and follow them.

Kabazame, if Elizaā€™s results are to be trusted, cannot be the town recruit. Eliza is also less likely to be mafia since Eliza was blocked before. Putting this together Eliza is likely on the same team as Kabazame.

I think its likelier the town recruit is claiming PR and the mafia recruit claiming VT. As then if the town recruit is seen visiting someone, its fine. Whereas the mafia recruit cannot get the same luxury because the person they target now would die, since its the maf factional kill

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@Chihiro is your retri claim legit?

I mean either way I donā€™t trust it tbh

100% legit

I know i havent been barely playing, but if you hit me your just removing a town pr, which yes does help you find the prs that are lieing.

But given the fact I just randomly came in and claimed when I did not sure why im the suspected pr liar.

doesnā€™t kill vt here just help jackal continue to hide or am i wrong, i thought the arguement is that one of the claimed prs is a jackal?

OR rather I made it painfully obvious thatā€™s best move, to take control of kpn.

But also that lowered one scum for us, without changing kpn from our PoV. So free gain for us too.

yeah i can get behind murdering Chihiro

i think from the prā€™s chihiro is defintly the one that does look the best.

from the citā€™s i dont really knowā€¦

i read through marluna and couldnt find anything amazing that stood out. something inside me is being paranoid about kiiruma and kaba hasnt really been around as much.

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Wait, really? No way.

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that right there. right there.

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:blobby: :blobjam: