Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

VOTE: Kabamze

(bet you can guess what the contents of my redcheck are)

Kabazame (2): Marluna, ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (5): Wazza, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Jarek, Kabazame

Who did Kaba visit?


just eevee
ā€¦which now that I think about it is weird, since they were (presumably) retrained n4
but they could also just be like. forger or janitor (which are also the least useful roles in this scenario, and therefore probably the ones that would be retrained into)

So if you are legit Tracker, Hazard should be the Jackal recruit, right?


no comprendo

Jackal recruit as in
town recruit?
idk man I havenā€™t thought that through

You still think Icet was forged?

thereā€™s a chance

Since Chichiro was legit town PR

icet being forged is basically just WIFOM imo

yeah which honestly is a shame

So if Icet wasnā€™t forged, we donā€™t have place for two PRs.

Wait, Kaba is maf recruit?
Letā€™s fucking go. I had Kaba as evil for ages.

ah shit right Hazard claimed PR

VOTE: Kabazame

I think we win this to PoE hopefully lol

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tbh i do think its more important to kill the Mafia recruit, given this math:

kill mafia recruit
nightkill by Town recruit
town recruit does not kill that night and therefore we have extra discussion time

ā€¦itā€™s not that important but still

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