Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

There is one thing though…

If town recruit Was amne, they can kill 3 town this night.

checks notes

Eh. I don’t think Pigeon would realise the optimal play (no offence to them)

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that too :wowee:

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pigeon would probably retrain into like

Like I realised it because I wanted to be Jackal / recruit lol

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Doctor :P

yeah lmao something that feels good but isn’t actually on the level of Amne

now granted this is WIFOM but

gods there’s a lot of wifom today

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anyways i gotta do homework so ill be right with you
in like 2 hours

Someone claimed Doc…

That would be Hazard. Which is my point.
Seems like what Pigeon would retrain someone into

no it’s not

“my rolecard is green” joke incoming

i haven’t moved all game so

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why did you decide to check me two nights in a row anyway

if you’re Mafia recruit, i catch you
if you’re just a Town Citizen, i clear you of being Mafia Recruit, and we go 2 nearly-full clears into LyLo

gonna be honest with y’all
I’m not gonna yolo on trying to find the town recruit because of a hypothesis

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hey wait y’all
amnesiac can’t remember unique roles
that means that they can’t remember Firebrand right