Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

RT3 is a citizen the tracker was trained and the doc claim is just a mafia
RT3 is a doctor and the tracker claim was trained from a shitizen
RT3 is a tracker and the doc claim is still a maf claim

Cit rolling RT is double-weighted
So it 3/4 chance Hazard is being evil. (In a Pov of a villager)

But 25 % is still plausible, so neither of us shouldnā€™t disregard that possibility.

Also when the mafia recruit would have seen Eliza changing role, itā€™s less likely that they will claim PR and increasing the chance of PR overclaim.

Unless they were forced to claim PR by the mafia.

The way they were being bold with the claim makes sense now at least. Iā€™m of the mind that given all the choices a citizen into a tracker is one of the more boring choices

Should we wait for Hazardā€™s input?

Iā€™m in no rush

Iā€™m blindā€¦
I think I found pigeonā€™s signal(s)ā€¦

Itā€™s easy to find, once you know Eliza is recruit and pigeon is Jackal, to be fairā€¦

I am sorry i am tryingā€¦ i thought they would hit into me tonightā€¦ i am sorry

Its the first time i had a proper pr role in this type of set upā€¦ and i think i put myself under too much pressureā€¦

I dont know what to do.:.:

I am sorryā€¦ i thought i was helping! No one told me to not do it


Finding pigeonā€™s signal (If I am even right about those being the signal) I doubt will help you as much it helped me.

I havenā€™t done much to make me obvious town this game.

A non-consecutive TPā€™s worst move is claiming their previous nightā€™s targetā€¦

Iā€™m sorryā€¦

And you (presumably) have done so twice in this gameā€¦

Again i thought thats what people wanted. No body told me it was bad the first time. I didnt compute the fact it was bad

Correction: ā€œHonestly claiming their previous nightā€™s targetā€¦ā€

Itā€™s fine to bluff and making mafia waste a nighkill next night.

Before you lock your world on meā€¦ please remember i voted on pigeon day 1 day 2 and day 3. I even started their wagon first day