Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

I am not the best at bluffing that type of stuff… i thought i protected eevee the night no mafia deaths happened which is why i outed that info… i dont think in any world a capo would force no mafia kills to happen.

And i outed wazzw… cause i dont know i thin was just stressed from still being alive and blurted it out

Out of corusioty:
Who had you healed last night?

(Unless you are planning to vote sleep, it’s fine to tell this now, cause there will be no next night.)

Myself. I thought as soon as eliza died i would be the next to be killed due to being the last pr

And first three night?



Sorry had to look back in my role card

Can you explain why you healed Mag N2?
(Sry, I wasn’t really here through D2-D3)

Cause i read them as good… and i wanted them to stay around longer cause friends to be completely honest

I heard everything I wanted to here.

VOTE: Jarek

I think you are good, but shared info you shouldn’t have.
Maybe you were too excited to be PR in a vanilla game.

If I read you wrong, (and that signal isn’t a signal, I just read into things I shouldn’t have) Well played.

VOTE: Jarek


Jarek (2): Marluna, Hazardwaste

Not Voting (1): Jarek

Jarek has been condemned to death by the Town! Their role was…

With that, the game has ended!

Congratulations to @thepigeonnyc, @ElizaThePsycho and @Hazardwaste, for the Jackals have won!

congrats hazard!

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Oh thank god this went perfectly

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I am sorry marluna… i had already fucked up enough for the evil team