Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Are they not talking about something called mech?
If your talking about them talking about game state talk no they wouldn’t.
Kiiruma hasn’t done anything of substance yet and Kiiruma loves mech talk as both alignments.

As Town I can just see Kiiruma not caring so much of the game right now and as Wolf they are using Mech to avoid talking about the actual social game to avoid:

+Pressure and whatever else they would endure.
The longer they could stall with it the least likely they can be executed day 1.

Hells echos, d1
Reskim over his iso of it, please

Hells Echo is a fucking closed setup

I have the proof!

No Mech Talk in that game.

Pushing everybody?
Name 5 players I have pushed.

Sorry, I’m back
That was too much for me
I read something that game that pinged me too, now that I mentioned it
Atlas made a post about Kii not contributing early d1’s, when he was a wolf

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No it fucking isn’t.
It’s fucking normal for him, not towny.

cyanide is zorvo


yeah this is what i was saying

hey wait wait wait

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VOTE: Cyanide

This is what I meant about “professionalism”

They pushed me for one thing which is extremely shallow and probably won’t go anywhere, wouldn’t call it much of a push

It was still a read based upon the actual social game.
Something that could lead to them being judged, pushed or pressured.

Meanwhile Kiiruma has been like only doing Mech talk and hasn’t contributed anything socially.

Can you give me quotes from a game where he doesn’t try particularly hard d1?

*as scum

no but like

But like?

How about the game where Kiiruma roasted my ass

depending on availability i think this is completely normal