Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

List a person, please
I’m concerned that you’re mafia trying to jackal hunt

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Hippo is jokey and Eliza feels Townie.

“Disagreeing with you”

Name the players who are disagreeing with me

mostly in response to what jarek was saying, since they mentioned being voted for inactivity.

If it’s You/Kiiruma/Ice/Chad

Then get outta here.

There is 14 other players including myself

You have listed the players you townread, none of which are
This is concerning, Zorvo

What’s concerning is you aren’t naming names.

I made it very clear I ain’t town reading you, Kiiruma or Ice.

You’re vaguely desperate to kill me, not realizing you’re also dead


I’m definitely currently voting you. :ok_hand:

I do. Kinda.

Hence the vaguely
The counterwagon is to get vigged, right?

I’m totally going to die even though I made it pretty clear I am town and where mafia should go/do tonight to benefit both them and my town team.

Which is why I’m not resisting
I don’t want to guilt the tp/tk

@Cyanide why Eliza

Right well I made it clear I townread you, probably more leaning Null Town based on how you voted Jarek and talked about Mech in that way compared to how Kiiruma has been playing.

idk but this doesnt seem like a town mindset type of post :person_shrugging:

As a general rule of thumb I like people who are active D1 because I am incapable of doing it myself and I see it as fairly townie, It’s not really that townie when you think about it but it looks better and provides more content than saying the bare minimum like I am and it generally reads better if you’re willing to risk that to get the ball rolling

for that reason cyanide and zorvo are locktown for me at this moment in time, poor reason as you may believe it to be

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She feels empty and not stubborn as she’s used to, she goes out of her way to recongize that people are scumreading her and doesn’t reply to it with a “skill issue” or whatever else she’s used to saying, and she’s not trying to gimmick her way to entertainment, ala FAM3