Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

You know what sorry everybody

This is pointless, Zorvo
Weā€™re both about to die, simply accept it

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Unless Iā€™m Eevee it was definetly peopleā€¦

I am going wild again my apologies.

They are not gonna bother killing a Shitizen.
Especially when that Shitizen is me.

They have higher priorityā€™s.

I get lynched, you get tkā€™d

Well look at it this way cyanide is providing content and pushing the game forwards. I donā€™t know why you think I care about kiiruma at all though.

@Zorvo, please, for the last time.

Take a 10 minutes shower.
Or just ignore the people and talk to me.

Your going aggressive with ā€œguess fucking whatā€ and so on is not helping. People are automatically baricading themselves from opinions thrown at them in aggressive way.

You are not convincing anyone and mostly only finding enemies right now. Iā€™m here to help, please accept it. I know itā€™s not easy to ignore half a thread in middle of argument, so if you donā€™t think you are able, please take a 10 minute break instead.

However, Iā€™m interested in your reads and would like to know more about them. Others will also have a look into them if we discuss them. So would you mind?

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If you were to read outside of your one-eyed tunnelvision, youā€™d have realized

Itā€™s fine.

You just posted the wrong games first in my opinion, but I see your point now.

Chihiro - Not a lot of posts, one of those posts worth mentioning that sheā€™s against mass claiming that Eevee suggested. At this progression, Chihiro is under the radar, this may change past Day 1. No hard evidence that the conversation between Eevee and Chihiro may be linked due not claiming since the link I quoted is posted beyond 24+ hours, therefor in case of town citizen recruit have picked a role, this is done by going against the claiming. This either means just as simple, or to avoid getting conspicuous with each other.

Wazza - Shows promise like the jailor makes Hydra votes Wazza and later reveal they got baited by her. Or should I say got vibed, I donā€™t think this is either jackal recruit and jackal interaction. It may have fooled me if it did. I can see not a world between Cyanide/Wazza either.

thepigeonnyc - Opening is NAI, not exactly going or against eeveeā€™s mass claim idea, just ā€œWait so do we want to do this claim. It feels like not much has happened and this can generate readsā€ That is weird in not good way. Bit worse than Chihiro. Interesting choice of words about Cyanide, does that show pigeon/cyanide recruit world or is this not what this looks like, that Pigeon mentioned that Cyanide could be mafia but not jackal raises eyebrows for me. I am making this scumlean. This is backed up with vote against Cyanide.

Jarek - Another weird opening, with sense of sarcasm I presume. The reaction about Eliza being in towncore by IceT does require me to ask this: @Jarek Are you just feeling jealous that IceT didnā€™t make you mason with them, but what does that mean to you exactly? The Darth Vader thing didnā€™t help give me accurate read on this response. The conversation with Zorvo regarding Eevee voting Jarek because of the opener is that Jarek seem to be suspicious with Zorvo as well because he supports Eeveeā€™s push on Jarek, bringing up Icetā€™s comment of Eevee being town because of the push. Thatā€™s not why IceT is townreading Eevee for that reason. But because Cyanide asks what IceT know in the thread that time. I am willing to make him townlean for that.

Kabazame - The opener reminds me back from True Majority FM which Kabazame is favored to like Hippo, even though Hippo turns out to be scum that game. Voting against Cyanide because sheā€™s stating the rule of 3 between moogle, Rajidae and Zorvo? @Kabazame Yo hotshot, You voted Cyanide because of the hyperlink I mentioned, right? Kabazame shares same thoughts of why Pigeon is only seemly interested of Cyanide being mafia. This is actually pretty good on him. Further pursue on Cyanide where this rule of 3 is exactly going. Heā€™s close to towncore for me this stage, I expect more reads done by him for now on.

Kiiruma: Opener makes sense now I look back again, this does indeed make the jackal NK into nerfed version that way, but enough of that ideal world. I would say that executing mafia, regardless they are recruit or not, will be beneficial for town in the long run because of mafia not having thread control in case weā€™re losing town players hypothetically which it may stay multiball longer, but I too hope that opposite factions will try to thin the numbers against each other. Zorvo being more aggressively than usual according to Kiiruma since last game they played together, I believe that was mountainous right. The think tank what he thinks about Eevee. I can understand where Kiiruma is going for having a paranoid Zorvo, mech talk is indeed NAI. Kiiruma do want to be clear that heā€™s not in any way Jackal related and pretty much support Eeveeā€™s idea for mass claim and finding the jackal recruits interacted by the Jackal.

Hippo: Obnoxious opener to tell you the truth, the posts also reminds me from True Majority. He also seems defensively about townreading me is connected through FAM3 and True Majority. Other than that, I would have expect him more to solve even for his joke game. I am not sorry, but youā€™re in scumlean territory for now.

Rajidae: Opener seems okay, nothing relevant besides having motivation of having fun this game, letā€™s seeā€¦she starts with decent question to Cyanide and while the response isnā€™t anything AI, but I can understand that. That would suffice to say that Rajidae sees Zorvo as being aggressive town, but I get to that soon. This early interaction with Moogle hydra is not out of place, this post however have some interesting views. First of all, Rajidae isnā€™t interested in the mech so that would mean sheā€™s going to read players socially. She reads Eliza as aggressive town towards Cyanide, althoughā€¦the rule of 3 even though the one she quoted from Cyanide have more than just three people, between Moogle, Hazard and Wazza? And leave out myself, Pigeon, Jarek, Chihiro, Marluna, Kabazame, IceT. I understand her vote to make Jarek talk.

HazardWaste: Nothing special out of opener and few posts onwards, I am actually in surprise that Hazard seems to upping his game, between Cyanide and Hippo he reads thereā€™s wolf between them, it may be worth following this read. His reponse to Eeveeā€™s #713 shows insight with Cyanide and Zorvo, in case Cyanide get executed today. I would hear his response later. Interestingly or I am not seeing this right, the interaction with Kiiruma being signaling looks interesting to me. it doesnā€™t look like the focus is on finding the jackals. This wallpost, Hazard does change his look on Cyanide that have done comeback so that doesnā€™t make her worse, but what about Hippo about this? Understandably that he doesnā€™t like Pigeon being unsure about Cyanide and then voted her anyway. Overall I am giving him solid townlean for now.

END of PART 1 ISO DIVE, I will finish the rest IceT, Eevee, Eliza, Moogle, Cyanide and Zorvo on Part 2.

But my current vote options are Pigeon and Hippo.

In short I understand Zorvoā€™s aggressive play and Eeveeā€™s motivation to find Jackal and recruits interaction encouraging others to find it as well.

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Chances are Iā€™m very unlikely to be shot considering the other players on the list, plus I am town so it would be bad for them.
Kiiruma should get checked, can be shot, but should be checked.

Ice however could probably get shot.

Wait no maybe not.

I think the TK should make their own choice tbh.

Up to them.

Go and talk to eevee

It was a joke because that picture they posted is an anime-fied version of the Blackhat from Untrusted. I. HATE that game. and that image is cursed as fuck.

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Fuck Iā€™m so sorry, I didnā€™t realize I have over 200 posts, itā€™s so difficult for me to not post and hard to post limit myself.

I should have had Achro coach me, sad.

insert joke about how this is a scumslip and zorvo and achro are scum

Frostā€™s probably town, love it.
Has 100% made themselves a prime target now though

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I definitely pushed more then one player today.

Now you state a read and itā€™s after they made a read on you.


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