Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

no offense taken we’re in the same boat here <3


that’s not what that means

im extremely tempted to vote zirbo pls help

frost coming in with a huge wallpost wow

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Why is it bad for me to vote where I feel is a good choice?

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Wouldn’t be a complete lost.

I overthink shit way too much.

Because you said it yourself, you believed kiiruma was lockwolf. how does killing me solve kiiruma for you?

@Zorvo I understand you consider Kiiruma mech talk as scummy.

But what would be a reason to post it as scum?

I assume mostly “free posts” and “talk without progressing game”. If anything else, let me know.
For town side I assume it’s mostly as well a free game entry. And ToS game excitement, with Kii coming here from ToS community all the years ago.

So now, can you point me to posts which would indicate they are scum motivated?
Also, was it a mech talk which was directly beneficial day 1? Or just EV neutral one?

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i know this is typical zorvo behavior and probably NAI
but like

VOTE: Zorvoisthemostbasedshitizen

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If no one is going to listen to me why should I bother posting?

What was Scummy is their lack of reads on anyone else

VOTE: Thepigeonnyc This will be my vote for now. I am willing to support Hazard I have good feeling about him.

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nice vote

Pigeon is probably town.

VOTE: Jarek

A lot of people have a lack of reads on anyone else myself included until an hour ago

Eh but it’s like that isn’t Kiiruma.

In their last town games Kiiruma made lots of reads though.

Also answer this question because I want to know what you’ll do when you find out your wrong


Then similar questions. What is to gain from it for scum?
Do you think Kiiruma character-vise is too scared to make reads as scum?
And do you think Kiiruma as town is able to produce more reads than one (on you)?

I’ve already responded to this.

What’s the point doing it again?