Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

And I still play FM, even though I know I shouldn’t. (Luckily, I am not that overworked, like I was through the whole Botf game…)

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In perspective:
I’m still mulling over Zirbo’s case on Kii from D1.
Although a bit excessively agressive, but he had a good point, ti bi eich.

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Looking at the beguiler.
It’s possible mafia is framing Zirbo here. (Beguiler doesn’t have to target mafia)

It’s a commutizer.

( Commuter can target only themself )

And I guess that’s where the vig shot went missing as well.

We could have Firebrand

I’d laugh so hard if Marluna is Mafia in Group Chat and Kiiruma is Mafia Jackel and Marluna here is trying to figure out if Kiiruma is indeed Jackel aligned.

If that is the case, Guys it’s not hard.
Pull the switch on Kiiruma in Wolf Chat.

Nah but other then that speculation, I do like Marluna sorting through stuff here such as my Kiiruma case.

I know this read is gonna sound odd AF.

But I think Marluna isn’t Mafia Aligned unless Kiiruma is also Mafia.

However I haven’t found Marluna to be wolfy this game so far.

Although, @Marluna what made you decide to vote Cyanide during the EoD?


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Yes. We citizen should think that.
I’m definetly a citizen not the Vig softing their N1 actions… Hear that, mafia?

Zorvo is kinda in the TWTBAW camp rn. Which is good, I think that we just force evil to kill there at some point. - If Zorvo ends up just being wolf I’m gonna be sad but like his posts feel real?

Icet feels like an easy back up push since Zorvo isn’t getting too much traction but honestly I can see the slot flipping either way rn.

Pigeon, like me, doesn’t really help others to be able to read them. I do think it’s a bit wolfy. Out of the 3 current wagons, they’re my preferred one due to wagonomics.

But eh, honestly my biggest suspect right now if Kabazame. Feels very different from their town games I’ve been in.

VOTE: Kabazame

Oh really?

You are telling me this is pure town wagon and no mafia or jackal were on that wagon? How did you figure that out?

What I have seen so far, Eliza claimed to be investigative role and isn’t able to check Zorvo because it is prevented, one key difference is that Zorvo isn’t jailed which that means few roles can do that. I have few theories about eliza’s role but I am not going to speak it out loud.

I find it plausible that this is framing attempt on Zorvo that looks like to protected by mafia as mafia member itself. Its also plausible for zorvo to be town recruit so it wont get blasted by mafia. But what does that mean for Pigeon himself since he is the outsider of this Eliza/Zorvo check failed?

The Beguiler could select themselves, so I could easily see Beguiler!Zorvo getting paranoid and selecting himself. I’ve recently discovered that Zorvo might not be as immediately polarised as I thought he was, but he’s nevertheless a wildcard and I associate that with v!Zorvo. His reactions today, on the other hand, are absolutely suspicious. He thought he was redchecked without knowing the details and tried setting up a world where both he and the cop were good, certainly not.

Thanks for misinterpreting my words.

I’ve found that in most scenarios, “vocal and proactive villagers” aren’t ever pushed over by wolves on the first day, but usually by paranoid villagers. At least on this site.

Ok i am back

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Let me reread shit.

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I don’t think assuming it’s a framing attempt is particularly reasonable if Eliza is telling the truth unless she’s also Mafia, which doesn’t make sense for reasons previously stated. Since the Beguiler only has a 2-shot rolecard, it would be weird to choose a villager just on the off-chance they’re checked or something. Especially since there’s a neutral killer in the game and the Beguiler can count as a protective.

I’m assuming Zorvo’s going to be executed today anyway, but I’m thinking Pigeon, Hippo, and the rest of my POE should die afterwards.