Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

You read their last game I take it?

I did not

but ive heard legends of magnus the wolf

Unfortunately no.

From what Chat?

I’d believe that, why make all the trouble and protect you from mafia harm, which Eliza lied about her action. Yeah why go through all the trouble just for that?

Why was I your placeholder?

Simplest thing is mafia just hid zorvo from tks or tis, this is so convoluted

Is this supposed to mean you suspect them… but are voting me?

I think they made it up for the colorful interaction and bury their hatchets for now.

Zorvo (4): ElizaThePsycho, Jarek, Wazza, Rajidae
thepigeonnyc (3): Hippopablompoyeetus, Magnus, IcetFeelsPain
Kabazame (2): Kiiruma, Zorvo
Magnus (1): thepigeonnyc

Not Voting (6): Marluna, Frostwolf103, eevee, Hazardwaste, Chihiro, Kabazame

Right you’ve got an hour or so of me not being encapsulated by baldurs gate 3 who wants my attention, lets make something happen

You might have answered these before, but do you have current readlist on whos town and scum (mafia and jackal alike)?

Waza and Raj voted me and now they’re voting with me and that sits wrong with me couldn’t put my finger on why, did they give reasons in this thread for why they’ve decided I’m worth trusting and not killing now?

Like I think Zorvo is the best kill but I can’t say people who wanted me dead wordlessly siding with me now doesn’t make me feel off. Eliza, I have no thoughts on. I’ll read the thread and provide some.

The other wagon looks better - but that’s because I don’t know anything about those players. So it’s not better because it’s pure it’s better because It’s an unknown and doesn’t make me question things as much. I’ll come back to this later.

The kaba wagon is also really funny given kiiruma and zorvo were at eachother but I assume they’ve made up for now so it’s not telling of anything.

I’d need to read the thread since my last arrival to get a better opinion of people so I’ll come back to this in like Idk 30 minutes however long it takes to read things

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Eliza - Mech reasons no xplanation needed
Magnus - I can’t read them but they feel fine, more than I can say for others
Eevee - Same reason as magnus, I wouldn’t kill them today.
Chihiro - I like how they’ve reacted to how zorvo. Though it does imply they might town-read zorvo if they don’t want them going over and I’d need to ask why. But if they think zorvo is V and want to save them from themselves, sure. their reaction to the bastard mechanic seemed legitimate enough to not call them a T at least.


Hazard - The PoE is 3 people, their thin ice label is 3 more people. Hasn’t mentioned why I’d be in the PoE at all I just am. I don’t get good vibes from their posts…but I don’t see anything I particularly hate either. It’s just stuff that doesn’t seem to progress the game all that much, just short comments to small things that people have said, but stuff like that doesn’t provide much substance. It’s just wallposts to highlight single things and nothing else. Tinfoil hat theory says they killed Moogle because they thought that player looked super townie, they did put them in their town list after all… :slight_smile:

Zorvo - I don’t think it’s any secret they were all over the place D1. They’re acting how they did in other games I’ve seen them as a wolf where they act like they’re going to go down with the ship so to speak but then they subtly save themselves. I don’t like it. And whilst I do appreciate being complimented, given the nature of this game, I can’t help but feel like it’s trying to get me to want to keep them around because they’re being nice to me. The death tunnelling on Kiiruma followed by completely dropping it may even read like Zorvo bussing a wolf and then dropping it completely when they saw a better kill in Cyanide. All in all, I hate it, and killing it would make me feel better. I may not get my way, but I can try.

Wazza - They haven’t really been here all that much. They supported Zorvo’s wagon on Cyanide and called Cyanide wolfy, and I wholly disagreed and still do, they looked great from MY perspective. Now they’re jumping on Zorvo. They went on me for a while too. It’s suspicious, but this could be a townie if I think about this a little bit. I’d need to see more.

Pigeon - Same boat as Wazza. Weirdly fixated on killing Cyanide early on in my opinion. I don’t genuinely see why people thought this was evil. And just like wazza they’ve turned on Zorvo, too. Though they do have a good point:

I think this slot can be town.

as for everyone else…Well I haven’t seen enough.


I never make good read-lists. How do people make good read-lists?

Oh well. I’m trying to forward the game here. If nobody else is gona do it I will

If I had my way I would want all town PR’s to out with their claims, this would force them to claim what they’re doing and would limit the evil Jackal town PR to doing mostly townie actions under threat of being eliminated if they can’t justify what they’re doing

but that requires co-operation, which isn’t going to happen at least not completely. It’s a nice ideal world. In theory town PR’s are all locktown if they have no CC

Oh yes and Raj. I forgot Raj. Aside from votes from them I drew a blank on feelings about them. The way Wazza & Raj vote together does just feel whacky though. It’s not locked in yet of course.

I agree with Kiiruma that Kabazame is a hit

I’d say.

Kabazame likely mafia and good hit for Jackel.
Kiiruma likely Jackel and good hit for Mafia.