True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

Beneficial for u yes but not for us we dont know ur alignment lol. Ur ability probably needs to be submitted during the night? So u will submit n1 - how is that exactly a threat to the mafia, theyd be killing someone who used up their charge. Unless u submit it during the day. Which case id agree that ur role is more important to kill. U dont need to answer when u submit

Also i hate this take on principle. “If u scumread me its ur fault”. I townread u but how about u suck it up buttercup, ur role could easily be a mafia role in this setup

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interesting that your answer is different than Hazard’s who also knows him well

Note my vote.

I submitted it. It is up to mafia to decide if they want to NK me or make use of the double execution. Same goes to our protective roles. If they want double execution, they can protect me instead of an imaginary town. Speaking of double execution, town’s main tool is to vote people during day. I don’t know what town wouldn’t want an extra execute as long as it doesn’t put us at risk of XyLo. Me activating this power today is the only acceptable action for a town pov based on math.

There is only one world where I am mafia and that is I am a vengeful role that can take out another town with me in the event of death. Except for that, we are never reaching XyLo even if we execute 3 town players tonight and lose 2 to 3 at night. All of which combined has extremely low chance to happen compared to me being town marshall anyway.

Tell me how easily I can be mafia?

I hate to edit so i can quote stuff like this ugh

I mostly just wanted to respond because i couldnt understand anything and now im still struggling a bit, i also disagree, im not opposed to what ur saying but i disagree with the structure of the things u laid out (why would we ignore mech? We arent babies who cant parse it fmpov) (and also apo saying the d3 achro thing has nothing to do with mech its the same thing with achro even in mountainous games), but whatever im dropping it

But yes i also didnt want to ignore u saying -1 for me because i believe in defending oneself as town i dont believe in being apathic and letting ur townreads suspect u

I totally respect the d3 achro mountainous rhetoric. However, I had the impression that we are paying a lot more attention to their role claim than we should which is kinda anti-town to discuss. If you agree on separating claims from the game and focus on scumhunting methods then I don’t know why would you be disagreeing with my point here. Maybe I wasn’t communicating myself good. I am quite tired today

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U submit on d1 and u need to survive to d2 for ur role to work? Im very unused to roles like this, sounds wacky af to me (u dont need to confirm or deny how ur role works im not interested in rolefishing)

Ur role could easily be a mafia role because its a believable towny claim which u need to give a few of to the mafia as a host to not have a broken townsided setup

Ur still in my towncore via ur daytalk (u guys call it social reads i prefer daytalk), reminder

I did not realize that it was just d2 lmao

Also I wasn’t really role speccing tbh

Just stating my two cents on Achro regardless of mech


Yeah but who cares if baker or a rando gave an -1 to tutuu? No one knows me here and you are somewhat known.

and yeah I admit the -1 was unfair but in general I didn’t like the focus on Achro’s role claim here, doesn’t matter the context. Achro can claim anything at this point and we can only respect that because Achro. It all comes down to what was said earlier about setup spec.

a vet from my old community used to call these type of posts a nothingburger

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I dont agree on separating them, no, others and u are free to do so if they want, for me theyre intertwined and i intend to continue

Ultimately these seem to be theoretical optimal play opinion differences so probably not particularly relevant. Since ur in my towncore id like to agree to disagree

Optimal play isn’t real (because wifom is a bitch)

Nah this is my second game here and achro tried to kill me earlier so i couldnt care less about being patient with his claim shenanigans if he wants smoke i give him smoke. He started it

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We have four hours left and the wagons are very scattered

I tried to kill you? You think what I did earlier was trying to kill you?

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I don’t even have an idea of where I wanna go big F moment



Okay, I think I will call you town then.

I don’t know you very well, to hedge hedge hedge, but my gut says town and that’s good enough for now.

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