Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

Eh fair I sucked at comprehending everything going on

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I was the sole red player arguing against three blue players which team put in the most effort to stop the mastermind from reaching the position it inevitably did


“TMI” except I also don’t know because I can’t comprehend it

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silly eliza

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my understanding is that tutuu was about as bothered as I was (which was very little and who I was talking to in conversation), N.1 was half bothered and Kiiruma was bothered about my opinion I was discussing with tutuu


i wasnt personally offended at all yeah, it was just a game-related argument. i was happy for it to end coz it got exhausting, but it wasnt hurtful to me, no


arctic told me you’re incapable of ever saying anything that isn’t nice. you’re such a smol little angel


Why did this result in a draw tho

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what if we had red, blue and purple team

and its three rooms and a boom?? except there’s ambassadors which have connection to only 2 rooms, and don’t have their colours shared


Because the mastermind chose to sieze the moral high ground rather than taking a win in a semi-scuffed game.

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it didn’t help that they were prematurely and publicly put on the spot

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Sorry but is this not a natural result of your deal? You trusted a neutral too much, they betrayed you, games the game they win we lose?

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Leafia “A confirmed blue needs to card share with me. Who is a confirmed blue? Any confirmed blue want to explicitly card share with me?” the Red Socialist


Leafia is so unintentionally funny I love her


Unfun game

I thought it was a double bluff and leafia was actually spy for like 2 days cuz no way would they be thay obvious

I needed to end it early

I had fun pls host again (after adding me to dm so i can see why got canned)

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the deal didn’t matter. mastermind at least in longform in this setup will always have all the information at the end of the game