UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

I mean yes that’s possible but not the reality we live in ;o

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this is coming from someone who is unkillable except for a rps gimmick that i want to try so who knows

Really? my role isn’t anti town

sounds like tmi from the scum fake claims tbh tbh

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your role being not anti town means all town roles are helpful, yes

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feels like a lot of legwork to assume that most are anti town from one public role though

imo you are hoping to claim a role to get out of the noose. Pre-denied tbh tbh


I’m using two roles to assume this
Mine and another public role

I’m also using the fact that eevee and Seth are hosts of the game

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what else you got besides leafia for solving

am I howling independent of leafia, litten-kun?


My town list atm

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You don’t seem howling, you just seem incredibly annoying from my perspective in the fact that you know I’m smart enough to realize what the optimal way to play around you is, but you don’t know me well enough to actually know how I would in practice play around you. I’m asking you to stop pushing me for asinine stuff like assuming the setup is filled with anti town roles, and for trying to push leafia in order to see how they react. If you still think I’m a wolf near end of the day then have at it, I’m asking you to leave me alone and just let me do what I want to do for a while today. Which shouldn’t be a hard ask if you are town, there are other slots you can also look at.

Right now I have Neon and you in a pile of people that I am not going to touch for right now, and I have Min and Magnus as people who I both think are town. As of right now I want to focus my attention on Leafia, Richard, and Alana (Alana is actually because last time when they were a wolf, they didn’t get much heat in the game and posted pretty fine, people were town reading them until flips made them look pretty bad. They haven’t done anything tbis game that makes me think they are town, and it’s probably a good slot to actually focus on later today to see what happens).

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VOTE: unvote

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I want you to do things and I have found being annoying an excellent way of doing things.

Anyway I am always willing to vote FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

VOTE: CRichardFortressLies

You are probably right about the TMI comment tbh

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I’m actually in someones town-read this is impossible. I’ve never felt this euphoria before.

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I have class in ten minutes

I’ll be back in a hour or so

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tbh i was townier there than im here but this is fair lmao

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Same but I have this because I don’t know if I’m just going to ignore it the entire game or what.

Leafia please? Thank you? :pleading_face:

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Leave my apprentice alone, she’s (probably) not actually howling.


I disagree on Leafia and Crich though

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I admit my reason on leafia is growing more and more dated as time goes on, but I have nobody else to look at so can you blame me?

Yes. Yes you can.


last game crich was scum with me marl defended him for 3 days due to meta reasons.

Meta is dead with this man sorry.


also none of his solving was particularly inspiring anyway.

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