UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Except no.

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The fact that Litten outed their claim unprompted is facepalm worthy. Yet once the catā€™s out of the bag, itā€™s really hard to stuff it back in.

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I prefer to wait to see how night 1 explodes in chaos in role madness before worrying overly about claims.

I preach against host meta a bit and it wont be stopping now.

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So you know my process did work

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I did say if you thought your process is actually doing OK then so be it, but I think it is also OK to check in on people and make sure things are truly going ok.

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Except yes. You know damn well how that was role hunting and you still want to post about how towny he is except he is but isnt and forgot why. His first posts were ripping alana over god knows what and then he just goes on a lamest spree for half the day.

On top of that, if you think neon is town or that theyre not a concern then why couldnt you just disagree to disagree over it? Nothing about a scumread on that slot indicates bad play to me.

Also you should be hype for possible min/jarek wagons. See the beauty of it.


Gyrlander is a wet noodle, mostly.

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Out of place, but very true.

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Well thatā€™s where my vote is at so, explaining why I am lynching there isnā€™t out of place.

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Also it kind of annoys me that people say Rad was role hunting on someone who already claimed.

Like. People. You confuse me.

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oh your last list didnā€™t have me town or listed what changed

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already claimed the host mech role, even

idk like I just feel like that isnā€™t a scummy thing ???

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It feels like closing the barn door, after the horse has bolted.

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prove it

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Thereā€™s no fucking way youā€™re just casually forgetting that modifiers exist right?

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itā€™s like you know just how hard this is going to be and that I might not have the wim for it

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okay and why would scum care if the important part of singer is ā€˜we kill it yay we get infoā€™


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I generally donā€™t trust people who try to completely control the narrative of the thread

Your posts wrt me felt so different than in MMM until just now

Your claim isnā€™t bad until I think deeper about it and about you as a player than its awful

I kinda really hated that you have involved yourself in multiple conversations when Iā€™m trying to get info from other players. Iā€™ve done this as town and so I know you might just be town but I think it more generally comes from scum.

It feels like youā€™re trying to shade me and discredit my attempts to search for info and reads. Lightly.

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In the most hypothetical wifom way, what if the role was paranoid catlady/veteran/singer who kills the scum trying to kill them? or redirects roles or whatever.


thatā€™s pretty high bastard for scum tbh lol

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