UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Well I have the opposite read of Leafia, so let’s start there.

What don’t you like about her this game?

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Her opening on me left a sour taste in my mouth. The whole joke I made being turned into a serious vote with what felt like a serious argument about it implied they scumread me for it. It felt like a weak reason - a wolf trying to kick the game off by appearing active.

They’ve ignored my slot since. Haven’t bothered scum-reading me or Town-reading me. It’s just weird how they went from 100 to 0 on me like that. They think they have a read on me why aren’t they pressuring me more? Prolly because they got cold feet and realised people were calling them out on the poor reasoning.

I mean go back and read that post they straw-manned my argument. It went from “you’re evil because of your joke vote” to “you’re evil because you OMGUS voted” in the span of a second and it was just weird. How can you be so sure so early?

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This lowkey may be scum indicative of her ngl

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Well, maybe she wasn’t sure and that’s just how Leafia phrases things as either alignment.

I think from my outside perspective, if she is town she just misunderstood your intent and wanted to get the game rolling. She also sees herself as weak and small as town because she’s been mislynched a lot - thus the LHF comment when you voted for her. I thought she explained herself OK when she mentioned that you reminded her of a town in another game of hers and that caused her to de-escalate. I glanced over at her most recent scum game and she de-escalated in rather awkward ways in that game compared to how she cited past experience here.

I think partially it doesn’t feel good because you have the TMI that you are town, so you bring that into the mix. Any reasons that don’t involve you? I try my best when scum hunting even if I don’t like a slot to find one reason outside of myself because those are the reads most prone to bias.

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I mean I’d understand it if it was later into the day, maybe even tommorow.

Like maybe they just had a bad read on me the entire time and they cut corners and make incorrect logical leaps to come to the conclusion I am evil to make a push on me.

It was the start of D1 so where did it come from

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porsha is tbh someone who i dont remember any posts from

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@Jarek do these posts sound like leafia this game?

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To be honest no, not really. To be fair a large portion of their posts involves me in one way or another be it discussing how they distrust me or be it the argument itself.

Though you could say this is a wolf Leafia calling you (In this world, a town Achro) into action to defend them due to your position as a self-resolving role. I would also wager in this world Leafia would be seeking to use your townread on them to do most of the defending for them.

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I’m bad at picking up on how people act between games but yeah.

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She was town this game pushing another town

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I concede that I might be biased due to how my scumread involves myself, but at the same time it would be foolish of me to simply ignore my feelings because I think I’m biased.

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I think I have identified some things leafia doesn’t do as town while browsing through flicker, it’s not 100% because I wasn’t in that game but the way she treated you is a lot like she treated jaiden and her expectation for me to come to her rescue is probably v as well.


I would never ask you to ignore. But what else you got for scum? There’s more than one, find me another scum independent of leafia for fun.

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Underwhelming so far. Has clearly been active since I’ve seen my posts be favourited as things have happened but apparently has no opinion on them. Not having an opinion is fine sure but we’re trying to find wolves here and not providing your thoughts on anything so far whilst just throwing out seemingly random votes that clash with what I think is the right vote…? If I had to pin someone as scum this would be it.

Also they declared me town because of vibes which is tinfoil hat me saying they TMI’d me town. Me and leafia had a big argument and their only provided reason for TR’ing me was vibes? Not even “wow your defense was good!” or anything?

I’m not confident. Never am. But I don’t like this slot!!!

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You could even say their unwillingness to look at the argument me and leafia had one way or another could imply that they are together. Kingtroll doesn’t want to throw their teammate under the bus or achnowledge leafia yet so they have simply opted to say nothing.

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I’ve talked myself into it

VOTE: Kingtroll


There’s very little wrong with voting here as it would clear up my notifications a lot and all they have going for them is audacity at the moment.

Can you take a look at Porscha and tell me what you see?

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I don’t see much. Did soft-defend me by saying that the way I’m acting is how I always act, which is nice.

They’re voted Gyr after you said they were sus.

If I had to push it I think this looks good because they look like they’re trying to understand your thought process. Not to say a wolf couldn’t do the same thing and appear genuine but in a vaccum I’ll give it a pass.

I’m not too good at reading people who don’t have much to say but I would say…Sure let them live for now. Nulltown.

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Thanks, appreciate it.

My primary concern is the lack of solving, but luckily for Porscha there is time to clear that up.

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I was going to mention that but last game Jaiden and a few others were on my death-list for the exact same lack of content and I lost the game because they were town.

I’m not really willing to fall for the same trap twice.

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I understand, Jaiden is… Jaiden, I have previous town experience with Porscha and expect something more from her.

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