UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

That is to say; I’m extremely reluctant on pushing on quiet people who I know little about because it’s burned me literally every time by the louder wolf players who I overlooked because “loud = town”

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I think I’ve played with porsche before and the low post count seems to be the norm. I don’t mind, not everyone has hours of their time to keyboard warrior away. I’m willing to give it time plus I have stronger “die now” reads on other people anyway.

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I am a fan of something called velocity of suspicion. In cases where I just don’t dunk a wolf day 1, which is a little rare for me, I like to poke people a lot until something reveals itself.

I think you’re a good egg Jarek, if you’re a wolf you are exceedingly good at faking a town mindset.


Never heard of it but it sounds par for the course for FM

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It’s a term I coined myself.

I’m that type of nerd.

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If you’re pocketing me then kill me before lylo please. Please.

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No need to worry, unless lylo is day 3 you won’t have anything to worry about from me

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I really hope not

literally every town game for me is either I get destroyed and a wolf never dies or in the case of that one Deus ex game the wolves get destroyed and I have no idea why or how it happened

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Think of all your misreads from those games, why you sussed people for it, and see if you can adjust would be my suggestion.

It’s why I learned a long time ago to take votes against me in stride.

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That’s fair. The misreads I made mostly boiled down to “didn’t talk enough, must be evil” which I’ve learned is not the case.

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And a lot of AtE tripping me up because I just wrongly assume people are emotional because bleh

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I like to encourage people to come out of their shells early.

Also AtE is just null for me. It is only solving that matters.

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My advice by the way, is to make people knock you off your reads with something that makes sense to you. Not emotions, not your own self doubt, but make them prove it.

Even if you got tricked, that way you can learn from a logical mistake instead of feeling hopeless because someone made you doubt yourself for no reason. Do that, and you’ll be hard to beat.


I do feel like I’m becoming a better player at least maybe not super confident and yeah my defense is sometimes “I’m not a good player please be patient” but I’m doing better and it feels lke I am.

It’s not like I’m new to social deduction I’ve played every game you can think of for a long time it’s just that you know. FM is different


Like how would they prove it

like lets say I say person A is alligned with person B and make a case for it and their argument is “lol that’s wrong lol it’s so obviously wrong” I guess you wouldn’t really consider that proving it would you, but that’s tripped me up before because then I’m like “well maybe that is wrong”

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I just don’t want to tunnel vision on things I like seeing the bigger picture I am fully aware that there isn’t just 1 evil in games and trying to deathtunnel on one guy while the rest of the mafia dumpster town never seems like a good idea

I might be too willing to look elsewhere at times maybe I just need to be more assertive

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So, let’s talk King Troll as an instance.

There are many ways to attack this

You have “Um I think he’s fine.”

You have him going “I’m just busy, I’ll do more later”

Or you have my current read, which you can either go ‘ok, I accept’ or ‘no, I reject’

Which is that usually low posters are low posting either out of requirement or to keep from getting attention. So I believe it is more likely that this stunt of liking a lot of posts while not posting a lot is from a quirky town because it’s not doing a lot to endear him to people which is very dangerous for a wolf to do in a game where town has a lot of night actions that can check in on his unusual behavior. So, from a game theory standpoint where we know wolves need to survive to win, I believe it is game theory optimal to believe this behavior is more often town than scum.


Does that make him town? No.

Do you have to accept this? No.

But I think it provides at least a thread to discuss.

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Okay, fair.

Come to think of it. Have we considered that there may be neutrals in this game? You think it might be a quirky town low-posting - And maybe it is. Maybe he’s got an ability that restricts his post count though I don’t think that’s likely because he’s throwing away his limited post count for jokes. Maybe it’s not neccessarily a Mafia - they’d care too much about their appearance, right, but maybe it’s just a neut who doesn’t really care too much and is just messing around for whatever reason?

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Also if Troll isn’t trying too hard and we know everyone has a role, and he’s trying to fly under the radar, I think this implies one of two things that I don’t think I should say.

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This is pretty based to do Lmao


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