UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Imagine writing all that shit to the wrong quote. Whatever im getting lunch.

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Is hammer enabled d1?

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not usually

For someone who loves getting votes when they’re town, you seem to not really want them all of a sudden. I just see you as being the most likely wolf.

You’re welcome.

This honestly made me laugh IRL. Laughs

Yes. Solving should be expected of everyone. Even if it’s fake solving coming from a wolf or wolfsided neut.

I believe so.

Actually, most of the time it is.

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you do realize saying “i omgused as scum. it doesn’t differ much from my town games though” means you don’t leave water with this point right

if it was semi-jokingly you still had some serious intent behind it. it was a fairly simple if not meh statement though so i don’t think you didn’t have any idea what it meant, i think you voted them because you perfectly understood what they meant and disagreed as you are saying rn

yeah i got this

i don’t think that an information lynch d1 is going to give any actual. information so you taking the idea of people being against it doesn’t really mean “this flip will give more information” it more means “some people were against lynching someone d1 for information”

okay you still tried to wagon them and then immediately dropped it and moved off. i don’t think the chat you both had was enough of a ‘reason’ and also if you’re saying you don’t frontload your pushes you mean that you just put votes out and then work backwards to justify them

it was rad directly asking for the rolename of an already claimed role so it was a variant of role-hunting where the hunter poses next to an already taxidermized beast and therefore really did not effect anything at all. arguably i’d say that it was a really townie action despite being super weird

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i disagree with all of this and i think your reasoning on all of them is extremely weak but by saying that you don’t frontload your cases you can find some other reason to push them for all that matters so i dunno how strong this goes either way

So Gyr is maj -2 or 3?

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Eh. Good point about the omgus stuff. I just think I’d see an omgus from more experienced scum rather than more experienced town players. Probably should have worded it that way.

It looked like Leafia was just deflecting any actual development this game was moving towards, didn’t it? Fundamentally I disagree with it but besides that, it deserved a look given it’s context.

We’re just gonna disagree on whether an information lynch is useful. I met a cool guy last game named Bakura who said “screw info lynches, just lynch scummy people” and you kind of remind me of him. Maybe you’re right but it pings me when two slots show up to derail a wagon with no alternative presented. The question shouldn’t be incessantly be “why are you doing that” it should be “my lynch is better than yours because of x y z, wanna join?”

I didn’t move on though and brought it up with alana and then neon later. You’re never elaborated on why you thought he was town (achro did later) so at the time I was like fuck it ill see what alana thinks.

“arguably i’d say that it was a really townie action despite being super weird”
no, nay, overruled ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You wouldn’t be voting me if you didn’t think it was weak reasoning. I disagree, but I respect that. Just don’t call me a fencesitter when I’m the one actively trying to get people off the fence mayn.

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alright i don’t think anything productive will come from mech arguments so i’ll respect your stance there and i’ll also say that fencesitting might’ve been a bit harsh. still would like if you provided a bit more reasoning in the future but you’ve countered most of my gamewise concerns fairly well so



Well this vote is quite interesting Leafia. You use a post that Achro made HOURS AGO, when he has already changed his stance on me (TOWNREAD) and you use it to vote me. Then you throw some random accusation I haven’t read anything about this whole game all of a sudden. Leafia you literally had 2 votes on you, 3 with mine when I joined the train. If you really think scum!Gyrlander would come and vote you thinking that he can pull off an easy mislynch on you… well, you’re wrong.

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lets start another wagon on leafia lets do it

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I was going post by post and catching up. You act like it’s weird that I agreed with what he thought there. Also, what else could it have been besides that?

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Gyrlander downplaying their own scumgame? Hol up.

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Answering this since you said the very same thing a few posts ago. I think you don’t really understand how my brain works. As a Townie I enjoy being voted because it makes it far easier to interact with other people like I’m doing now. I’m also an attention whore. However, I obviously love being outraged about being voted since I’m Town and throw accusations left and right. I’m obviously not going to be “yeah vote me” and that’s it. That would mean that I get excited just by having people vote me which ISN’T THE CASE. I enjoy having to defend myself tooth and claw because I know I’m right.

I think that explained it extremely well.


5 people don’t think you’re doing a good enough job. What’s your thoughts on that?


Rephrased: What do you think of the 5 people who are voting on you right now and why do you think they’re doing so

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Can’t really say anything about this vote as it is… yeah.

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I already answered to this post, but Achro has already said that they townread me so your basis for this vote is partially destroyed.

As for my “lack of engagement” I don’t think that’s the case. I think you have a much greater lack of engagement than me, for example. Also, I don’t need to hardcore spam posts like Achro or Neon. I have made my position clear about the very few reads I have and I’m always here to interact with everyone that wants to have a conversation with me so no. You’re wrong.

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If you’re talking about the vigilante thing I think everyone but you noticed, without me having to say, that it is 100% real.

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