UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Low hanging fruit meaning an easy mislynch target

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I do want to say Iā€™m having the same observation as Gyrlander about Min.

Iā€™ve felt like Min is vibing less obvious town then in the Catgirl game but also I havenā€™t said this before because they still vibe ok otherwise, just less obv town than before

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Also jarek is probsbly always town for still defending porscha regardless of porscha alignment. I almost took his head for that snd he is still like ā€˜i dont get itā€™

So yesh jarek looking pure as all fuck atm

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I see what you are saying
Not sure how to translate this though into this game and whether or not their meta firmly shows that they are in a town meta this game

This game already feels weird in the sense that I have a list of town and townie people but then thereā€™s just people Iā€™m not really sure about, I donā€™t really feel confident in scumreading anyone this game which is why my head keeps looking at the playerlist and sees leafia name up there

Iā€™ll let you deal with that if you are town tho, and if I die then I donā€™t have to deal with it

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I still donā€™t get it

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??? You sounded like you scumread Leafia

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jarek defended me too when a wagon was happening, which if I compare to their behavior when people thought leafia was evil in a botc game it makes me feel good about them

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Well i alwo am leafiaā€™s mafia coach so if she can fool me even for a day i would be impressed lol. May be hubris but if shes faking it shes doing better than she did in flicker as scum as i spotted a lot of differences quick.


I think if you tr a lot of slots and one hasnt posted a single read you go for that slot tbh

ā€˜If everyone active looks good then it is more probable that someone not actively participating isnt goodā€™

Kind of simple but it isnt as if this is a basic volume tell.

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Also i really think her post about my claim not changing when i would be nked could easily be tmi

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do you have history with porch? I read their iso and I found their comment about how you should know that this will be hard to be interesting and I wasnā€™t sure what to make of it

if I remember correctly people stated that this isnā€™t how they usually act but I do not have the motivation to go find out where that was said

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Also i am considering gyr was voted up early in umineko and then turned out to be a great help for town so gim being run up early if town is typical for him.

I poked him. He responded. It was within unineko range imo

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Time-stamping this so I can call out anyone who magically comes out with a read list out of nowhere post this post.

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Low hanging fruit, someone too easy to be scum

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ima eat now cya

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Yeah in syndicate two town games 1 wolf. In two town games she was aggressive and curious about me, i was 1 of each alignment.

As wolf i caught her on an early perspective slip and she got me to let go a bit day 2. Much more agreeable than as town.

Reminds me a lot moee of scum porscha than v porscha tbh. Just the baseline agreeableness is offputting. It shouldnt be damning but then i realized she did the classic scum asking questions to look busy thing


Same about the not finding scumreads-part tbh I have reasons to think almost everyone looks ok

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Also where did min claim vig

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Letā€™s seeā€¦

Iā€™ll just give you my reads on everyone to help you see where I stand in things.


Leafia: I saw her card by accident.

Neon: Sheā€™s an uncced Singer claim and Iā€™m leaning towards singer being a town role and not a neut.

KingTroll: He seems far too easygoing to be scum. Sure, scum can be like that too, but he reminds me of how Hippo is as town. I honestly wouldnā€™t be the least bit surprised if this is a Hippo alt.


CRichard: He seems solvy enough and I feel thatā€™s more likely to come from him when heā€™s a villager. Itā€™s just the slightest of townleans though.

Litten: For the claim alone. It doesnā€™t sound like a fake claim to me and it just sounds real.

Achromatic: The main reason being the claim. After all, Iā€™ve seen things from this slot that I like but Iā€™ve also seen things that made me question whether or not heā€™s really a villager.

Min: Their rage when they cced Gyrā€™s vig claim honestly felt pretty villagery to me and even before that, I had a good gut feeling about this slot.


Magnus: Havenā€™t seen enough from Magnus to formulate a read one way or another. Or at least I donā€™t remember enough from him to do so.

Rad: Same as with Magnus. Likely because Iā€™ve been concentrating on other slots for now.

Alana: Not sure what to think about this slot. Could go either way.

Gyrlander: I was heavily scumreading this slot until recently. It was Gyrā€™s bringing up his last scum game and asking me if he felt the same way as this game in it to me that made me start reconsidering my view on his slot.


Jarek: I donā€™t like how he has never tried reevaling on me and seemed to be trying to goad Gyr into voting for either me or min.


Frink: Sheā€™s basically been a follower this whole game and it feels to me like she hasnā€™t had an original thought all game.

Porscha: She hasnā€™t even expressed a single read all game, which I didnā€™t even realize until Achro pointed it out and that makes me think that sheā€™s potentially trying to go utr.

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