UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

For reference, here:

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Hmm. @KingTroll syop tunneling.

@Magnus why kingtroll for a vote? I dont think there is a lot or scum equity there. Explain.

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absolutely not

Also porscha as scum last time idled for a long time and then posted a very towny wall and fooled me so

I might be committed to this unless she pulls out something great.


Also @Magnus read list in full please.

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Off the top of your head without ISOing or scrolling upwards, do you remember anything Porscha has said this game?

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I remember what she said in the pregameā€¦ about my protoss pfp. Letā€™s seeā€¦ in this gameā€¦ Iā€™m tryingā€¦ uhhh

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oh! i remember 1. She asked about singer. I think that was her?

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Had a think. Magnus could be wolfing here.


( Ķ Ā° ĶŸŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

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What does this face mean

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Rads is cool for now. If heā€™s a wolf at least heā€™s an honest one. Also im from sc2 mafia so.

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guys i think that i convinced achro that there was a possibility of magnus pocketing them

whoops this isnā€™t scumchat

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Is sc2 mafia the sc2 mod? If so, thatā€™s where I originally started waaaay back. Then I played some games on tl.net in 2014 and stopped playing until a few months ago.

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Porsche train sucks, as I assumed. Likely infested with wolves.

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:3 yes. I develop the mod currently.

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yo nicceee

Hm. I dont think this is correct actually

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Pings me

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Oh awesome! I used to mess around with sc2 mods myself. Never published anything but it was fun. Should I be playing your mod instead of Town of Salem?

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