UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Okay, fair.

Come to think of it. Have we considered that there may be neutrals in this game? You think it might be a quirky town low-posting - And maybe it is. Maybe he’s got an ability that restricts his post count though I don’t think that’s likely because he’s throwing away his limited post count for jokes. Maybe it’s not neccessarily a Mafia - they’d care too much about their appearance, right, but maybe it’s just a neut who doesn’t really care too much and is just messing around for whatever reason?

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Also if Troll isn’t trying too hard and we know everyone has a role, and he’s trying to fly under the radar, I think this implies one of two things that I don’t think I should say.

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This is pretty based to do Lmao


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King could very much be scum and it would calm my uneasiness on the slot if he died tbh

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There might be a neutral, but hunting for those socially is usually awkward from my experience. Also he might have a cool town role or he wants scum to think he has a cool town role. WIFOM.

Anyway Porscha

So I initially town read this post from Porscha to Neon about my tone because we have had conflict in the past so she knows that I don’t really mean to come off as ‘grr’ as I do sometimes. Then I thought about it some more and realized Porscha usually has commentary for me early on in games where she is town with me. So, it’s not just the solving but it is her asking me a lot of questions while not really showing any worry about me. I don’t even think she asked anyone else about me really. Just doesn’t sit right with me.

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To be fair you’re claiming to self-resolve so nobody should be worried unless they’re Mafia who want you gone and think you’re real.

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Also if I read this the least bit uncharitably this feels like TMI.

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Yet you voted me just this morning.

As did Min.


In fact Jarek, have you not been expressing a lot of worry about me all day since you just got fooled by a strong wolf?

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I kinda tricked myself. I had too many games where I thought someone was town, didn’t say anything, they were town, got sussed for not speaking up.

Spoke up, even though there were signs. I don’t think my defense really even helped save him per say, I just felt that I was right. He mostly just kept saying he believed me.

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Besides the point.

Why do you think only wolves would be worried about me if you voted for me?

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Retroactively applying my thought process to future reads.

That is to say, You’ve alleviated my concerns on you and I’m now thinking “It’s obvious this guy isn’t a good vote right now so why would you”

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So why would that apply to Porscha?

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Not too sure what to think of this post,but it seems a bit wolfy and defensive to me. Not even that true either.

Not sure what there’s to like there.

I honestly like the indignation here. Comes across as villagery in my book even if I don’t exactly agree. Then again, I don’t really remember any of Rad’s posts.

What did you get out of it? Also, current reads with explainations please.

Please explain. @FRink

Just had a thought too. Scum might need the exact role name in order to anticlaim it. I remember that being the case in at least one game.

I’m with Neon here honestly. Who cares what her role name is? She’s an uncced singer when a singer is confirmed to be in play. Lay off with that.

It’s giving me pause too. Such confidence is ???. If it was anyone but Achro, I’d be scumleaning them slightly for it.

Mindmeld time.

Some require the exact role name though. I’ve been scum in at least one game like that.


I agree with you. You’re not losing your mind.

Anyone clearing Achro right now for how he has been so far should be considered to be lock wolf in my book. After all, look how he was in Morbainado.

I have nothing wrong with that. VOTE: Gyrlander

Especially with how he showed clear signs of agenda upon getting into the thread. It felt like he was upset that the pressure on me had gone down because it was making it harder to misexe me.

Laughs You get town points here for making me laugh IRL. Please don’t be a wolf.

Yeah. I play like Leafia a lot. I’m very good at it.

Can’t resist pointing this out, but aliens are traditionally green. Are you claiming alien here? j/k

Do you know anyone more likely to flip scum?

How come? Because I’m not seeing it. He loves getting votes as a villager yet here he seems outraged to have votes and you think he’s a villager why?

I’m honestly getting possible defending a scumbuddy or having TMI that Gyr is town vibes from Achro and it scares me.

I had something like that in Trials and Tribulations except dead scum could post in scumchat as long as I was still alive that game.

Yes please.

No idea who it could be. TheTroll does come to mind though.

Hmmm, does Porche even have any reads? I don’t remember much from them.

EoD is tomorrow I think. Not today. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

A little after 9 P.M.

Hmmm, somewhat villagery response.

I’ve explained time and time again that the vote wasn’t a serious one at first.

It’s because I realized you were likely town due to how similar to Jaiden you felt. I already explained that. Also, there’s other people in the game too and multiple wolves so concentrating on you doesn’t help the village win.

Do you know what a vote for pressure even is? Obviously not. I never called you evil due to the joke read. I just wanted to apply pressure to get you to explain it and you OMGUSing me over it came across as very scummy.

Legitimitely made me laugh IRL. Laughs

A very good question honestly.

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Okay I don’t know how to explain this if that didn’t explain it for you but basically I’m looking at you and thinking you’re not a good kill because you’ve got a claim that self-resolves and overall shouldn’t be worried about it because it self-resolves. You refuted my reason for voting you as “If you can’t wagon it don’t bother” which I agree with because what good does saying “this guy is sus” going to do if it’s not going to get anywhere

I’m just applying that logic to everyone else now. I’m not really sure how I explain this.

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Jarek, I’m not going to lie to you my friend, that looks like a perspective slip.

You have been expressing worry about me.




and yet when I note porscha’s lack of worry.


Jarek I am a bit concerned here suddenly.

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@min @Litten @Magnus @CRichardFortressLies @alana @Leafia @Gyrlander

thoughts on the above please

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This is the best 180 of all time.

I was looking forward to actually playing this game without having to defend myself 24/7 for once too :sleeping:

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And also Jarek’s explanations.

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Thought it was Gyr’s post here at first.

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