Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

this post is a confession and i will ignore it and then in dvc realize that i am an idiot


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…i didn’t consider that point, but fair

memes aside i kinda hate the post it just

feels wrong to me

iirc it was one of my bigger causes for the “visors memegame is wolfy” read earlier

what on earth is wrong with that post

its true

how can the truth feel wrong lmao

im sure zack would say the same thing in return too

It’s 6:11 pm

(not here gn)

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I actually had a theory on this
That Ruby was already strongly PoE’d and had to claim, and so wolves decided to try to bait out the bodyguard

Truth be told I have largely been en ignoring the visor slot because I can’t read him and he doesn’t have a fun gimmick like Zach does.

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I know it’s a skill issue that I can’t read visor

not to AMA read you

but i know you read our amas cause you posted your wall of questions in it, so i know you read that we want to rand wolf together in a proper game

so acting like my post saying i would v read zack as w/w is somehow bad feels as the kids would say

sus af

(that being said, I didn’t actually look for Ruby’s claim or where it originally happened
I only heard about her claiming bg from Brad during the night when I subbed in, and then the thing about the supposed vig shot the next day in the thread)

wow i am hurt and offended

you wound me deeply, m’lord

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well yeah its obviously the truth

thats kinda why i think its awko taco/wolfy/cringe/basn’t

like… haha yeah id totally do that uwu

no shit you’d townread zack if u two were bros lol

wheres your head at wind

I have a skill issue. Idk it’s hard to read you. And everyone I can rely on a meta read of you is giving me a mixed bag so like I can’t sponge anyone.

i dont get it

i really dont

Idk I was gonna go back to ignoring the game tbh

I posted my current takes in the hood chat and expect that someone will take them up after I die and flip town

Cause I don’t trust that anyone will listen to them today

it really just comes down to vibes

you saying something thats extremely stating the obvious

it feels like something id see from crichard not from visor

like geyde and ruby? :curtain:

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