Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

:smile: Roger That!

Fine then, but spf immediately apologized for that last comment and has other posts saying she thought the thread state wasnt good as did plenty of others.

I wont go back and forth with you either. Shrug.


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Wind was pushed by desd villagers

Nothing she’s said has been out of her wolf range either

…did you ignore the massive post that Zach quoted where spf wolf read wind?

Reality Replacement

I want zorvo to listen to me and my reasoning especially considering I’ve given more than enough reason as to why any villager would vote wind over me here

Someone has received a track btw :partying_face:


They WILL receive one after eod

I want gifts

I can also still claim

My role is extremely powerful and protown and I feel like my death will be pretty hard of a blow to town especially over someone who is probably a wolf

ghana is gonna kill me for saying it but i think mins last posts r kinda wolfy


with that said i am probably just gonna default to killing wind because its not worth arguing


this might sound pointless but how sure are u that sabi is V

Sadbi is scum.

I intent to suicide bomb them tonight


i dont believe you


Already explained why. They killed Hally and GGhana

alrighty then

its possible you are correct!

(actually heading out now)

But how tho