Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Oh well, I don’t like being townread. Fuck. Should have GT’d more pretending to be scum.

Please don’t kill me during the night witches. I’m nothing but a weak TPR.

I kind of townread Rue and Outedwolf tbh. Although the second one might be slightly outdated.

Idk why you guys all TR Rue so hard…
Can I ask what you think of the points me and Gorta brought up regarding Rue?

@Gyrlander you can go ahead and claim if you think you know something. At this point it isn’t a big deal if it could clarify something.

Let’s build some puzzle pieces

I think Brad and Sabi are out of their scum ranges
I think Katze is town (starting to lose the shine of this a bit, don’t know if its just game or wolf WIM fading but not really my problem anymore)
Guava looks great in Ruby’s iso

I don’t think anyone else is outside of what I feel like could be their scum range off the top of my head. Just an order of things really right?

I DOUBT Gorta is scum from people’s comments
Zorvo could be scum, I guess, just doesn’t feel like it
I have no prior experience with Gyrlander but both votes being in the right place day 1 and 2 and general their throughline of thinking and angles they take feel good. It’s a soft read, but it’s one I believe
It seems really reckless for a wolf visor to tie himself to wolf sufdaddy like he did seemingly out of nowhere. I just bought that sufdaddy believed what he said day 3 about me as well.
Min playing gladiate this way as a wolf is, imo, pretty much insane.

Means there needs to be some scum in Outedwolf/Jackrito/Memes/Rue/Windy. Windy’s dusted today, and then we go from there I guess.

I’m not TRing her hard lol. It’s a very soft one. Honestly I don’t remember what you’re talking about. Can you give me a reference to those posts?

That’s a good PoE.
(Although I liked Jack’s PoV post and Brad is confident in Jack being town)


I still think this is possible cause wolves would have to make desperate plays at this point.

I’d still throw daddy in there

I know someone was saying zorvo might be in his scum range, I guess that should be looked into more.

@Zorvo yeah, you can do what you like. Just making sure I make my thoughts on things clear today because there’s not much else to do.

Also, there is an almost 100% chance of there being a Town roleblocker. I wonder what he’s supposed to do if he RBd Brad.

RB is very strong, so RB should avoid claiming as long as possible.

Yeah. There isn’t any point of claiming because Wind’s Lynch cannot be avoided.

Yes, for your claim you should claim if you believe if you die over night something you have to say would actively harm town if it doesn’t know or can’t learn from your rolecard or posts to be more direct about it.

Okay Achro. Do you think there are any roles that should possibly claim right now?

@BradLand Are you 100% sure you were RBed or could there have been something else that messed Up your ability?

Um, I think if there isn’t a lot of use for your role any further and you can change people’s minds it is a good idea. If you are just itching to claim for no good reason then no, don’t.

Damn but I LOVE roleclaiming. It makes me feel special.

Man, I think you and I might be the only people having fun this game, so go ahead then lol. It’s just a game, have fun man.

JK. If the witches want to know my role they’ll have to kill me. Fuck them.

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You pretending you have any credibility to establish and push a PoE is silly.
Your reads are garbage or you have been powerwolfing and people are letting you because this is your standard as town, the expectations from people about your play are so low that they townread you for it man.

For example you think im www with Zack and Visor after i questioned their survival, both their survival. For what purpose i put both of my partners under scrutiny like that after having lost two already. Like man, think.

And Rue and I, you think that by this point if we were both scum we wouldn’t have made big efforts to distance ourselves and look unpartnered? We are both villa or one of is pocketing the other, it is never w/w.
It is more credible that you are distancing from her if she is a wolf than i am partnering with her. We both know it is true because you did it in Valorant.

And you, you think as scum i would be pushing you and sussing you if you were town here? No, i keep you alive, let you create chaos, seed discord amongst your peers, validating your thoughts to look partnered with you in case i flip first so town associates you with me post flip, provide you support so you feel you are on the right track so you do the dirty work for my faction. You are never night kill material in this game if you are town, just like im never night kill material either, I’m a mischop.

Btw has katze claimed anything?