Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

im not sure if v!memes throws around gamethrowing accusations so lightly
feels like read confidence ← tmi
need to check though

VOTE: nightingale

That is not a natural thought.

He’s not playing at all like he did in valorant

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memes could just be really confident in zorvo read actually
that checks out

@Memes do u have a case on zorvo you can link
is there anything outside the claim

Im beginning to realize im not a fit for FoL, too many trolls.

His omgus-ing is half assed too

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When I tunnel, I keep tunneling till someone I trust tells me that I need to stop.

So far no one has told me to stop memes tunneling so here we go

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Here’s some toe beans for the cat girls

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If i was a day vig, i would kill Zorvo and would pursue a Sadbi chop.

One scum tactic i know is that you can death tunnel someone until they dont want to deal with you and leave you alone.

Sadbi, if you are scum, im not that townie, the more you tunnel me, the more i want you dead,

Lol go off. Try to chop me. Build a case on me that isn’t omgus. I want to see it.

ISO me, tnis has been done before. You telling me im posting from a TMI perspective without context? Without reading my posts? Really?

I already did, you are try to getting townread by copying your annoying and toxic town meta

skimmed valo and memes reads feel a lot more fleshed out there + his scope is a lot wider

his omgus makes more sense than “this thought is unnatural”
@Sadbi id say its a fine tunnel for now
id wait to d2 to see now stuff shakes out maybe

@SaulGoodman you had a good read on memes in valo, have any insight on this?

I’m kinda used to incredibly trollish tactics that often end up badly but I understand that they may be quite frustrating

And the worst of it all is thst you are selectively taking the valorant game as my only sample size when you know very well, i play at MU, where you have also played to get a bigger sample size.

Your push on me is dishonest.

I haven’t seen a case besides you saying I’m tunneling you. For someone so good at mafia and scum hunting, I’m really underwhelmed by that case.

Wait for D4 when half the players are dead :smiley:

hi i am lurking on mobile rn

i think it’s harder for him to have that same wider focus regardless of alignment when this game he’s in a much deeper tunnel so i want to see what he does when zorvo is resolved, otherwise i am townreading him for similar-ish things he did in that game

watching this catfight which is probably just v/v again is making me roll my eyes but i also don’t have good enough reads on either to do anything about it

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valo was weeks ago
last time i remember playing with you on mu was a year ago

Got it. Will keep my tunnel going because like I said his case on me is as weak as wet tissue paper