Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Im talking to Sadbi there not you.

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iā€™m not sure why you believe the rigidity of his reasoning to be a good metric of measuring how real his reads are when last game you two scumread each other because you wanted him to out his identity and he didnā€™t like that you were asking him

i think im gonna wait and see for like d2 bc the scope point is valid
im still put off about how he never explains his reads
he did that pretty naturally in valo

I was sr him for his behavior and reads last game, donā€™t twist my actual sr of him. The longer he was in the game, the more I thought he was wolf because he was wolf siding

I was going to switch until I saw this post.

Good morning, everyone.

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You know what. Fuck this. Let;d yry something.

/I wish for a loud day vig shot

@Memes can you explain how you went from brad w to brad v

@arctic compare how he sr last game to this. His reasoning and case this game is significantly weaker than that game. Itā€™s just omgus this time. Tell me Iā€™m wrong about how heā€™s trying to solve me

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I started with brad w, then brad v, then brad w.

My read is purely based on meta and how he acts as a villa vs scum. I dont have a definite read on him based on this game.

But you said you donā€™t read people based off meta because meta changes but you read them off behavior.

So why the change for Brad?

okay but
whats the meta
can you explain that

You dont get to gaslight me, mock me, tunnel me, discredit me blindly, without facts or case yourself and say that my push on you is weak, hypocrite!

I could but i dont want to. Too much work.

Im done with Sadbi.

Hi donā€™t misuse gaslight because you are diluting an actual abusive thing. Please and ty

i mean regardless of what it was i think you heavily misreading him last game should realistically put a damper on your read of him this game

i guess itā€™s probably more of a personality thing rather than being AI but it certainly gives me no real reason to entertain this

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guillo and sabi are probably both town and should stop interacting

my brain is very large

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still donā€™t have confidence that this brad reasoning actually exists

Compare his reads this game to last game. Compare his sring of me last game to this.

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