Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

what did you think of min calling you a jester?

Not really sure haven’t read a whole lot.
On first glance I thought your reaction looked bad but your further responses looked better.
As I said I didn’t read you a whole lot afterwards.

Actually I changed my mind on Hally,

VOTE: Night

Still stand by SPF and Sadbi are town and in the case of which I was the message town and not the town doctor then in which case Sadbi looks really Damn good.

headache is back, going to go eat lol

So you would or wouldn’t think I was the Doctor?

it kinda feels like you dont have a reason

Actually thinking Eliza is 3P and not me is a good look for Achro.

But at the same time they could also see me as town pulling a gambit like that as a wolf of which gambit may or may not be true.

I wouldn’t, you are smarter than to claim this role day 1 which is part of the problem v achro has here.

Shit your right, I really didn’t think this though.

Thought it was gonna work

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Zorvo I am going to eat now but I fucking love you man, even if you’re a wolf here. Don’t let anyone break your stride.

give thoughts on people saying you’re in your wolf meta.

im not even gonna sugar coat it

if you’re a villager then you did nothing but shit on the thread for selfish reasons and for negative gain

nobody believed your claim, everybody made it obvious they didnt believe it, and you still took more than 24 hours to finally admit it was fake

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Ok Seth let’s see, you can send 2 public messages per day.
This seems useless……
What can I do to make it become +EV
I know!
I can use it as Investigative by pulling a gambit for reactions and protective for absorbing the night kill.
What should I claim?
I’ll claim a Doctor
But I got to make sure it’s believable and mafia thinks the message was sent by a 3P or Traitor
But wait! Even if it’s believable what if mafia avoids me in fear of a watcher?
No worries I’ll also put Ascetic right afterwards so they consider me free killings.

sorry mom, i’ll do better next time

You can see how this failed miserably when Memes said “this doesn’t make any fucking sense”

I town read them for that.

I scum read them again with them mentioning to someone else and asking if they sent the message as mafia would be confused in that situation.

idk what to make of the thread right now

I don’t get how I look good from. Seth’s pov

that’s fair
wanna talk about some random players?

Damn I should have said something like

“Everyone Doggy Pile on Zorvo”

But that wouldn’t have gotten as good reactions but it would have made mafia be real confused.

the alison in me is continuing to want to policy him

the rational side of me is trying to rationalize this rationally