Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

hi ruby congrats on replacing into a scum slot

Fuck I wish

i kiiiinda think he’d do that as w/w ngl

but i also think hes a villager now

Well they just both stayed there for eternity as discussion points it felt like. You would think someone would go ‘sooo i found this’ and try to start anything but instead it just dead in here. Feels like if heisen is w then we are looking for a very specific team comp or his team just hates him. If he is w i think i can eliminate the top 10 posters from having more than 1 wolf or something dumb lol

Vote Count

Heisenberg (5): eliza, Jackrito, Gyrlander, Hally, GaulSoodman
Gyrlander (4): Rue, nightingale, Achromatic, katze
Zorvo (3): SaulGoodman, Memes, Zorvo
Gorta (2): sufdaddy, Sadbi
Memes (1): Phraze
katze (1): min
Ruby (1): HowardHamlin
GaulSoodman (1): Heisenberg
min (1): Outedwolf
Jackrito (1): spf

Not Voting (5): eevee, Gorta, guavagudetama, Ruby, BradLand

@BradLand you know how like a week or two ago I was. Talking to you about how I need to stop falling for ate.

Can u tell me if I should allow this or not

hmm i disagree and think that you might be assuming the wolves would be capable of having more thread control than they actually do in a 25 player game on d1

particularly if a lot of them are contained within the lower posters, which im kind of thinking they are rn

i dont think heisen is guaranteed mafia or anything, i just dont think him being mafia would say anything particularly surprising about the threadstate

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Did you say i assumed a lot and then agreed with my point about the high posters

Spf pls

i think “what were the wolves DOING” is a common question that tends to trip people up when the answer is usually that the wolves had no specific strategy and were just rolling with whatever happened

town have a tendency to attribute strategic play to wolves more than wolves actually make strategic plays, just in my experience


Okay good point i forget not every wolf is me sometimes.

Grylander was Cats2019 my wolf partner

S-FM 307: ?KRC AGAIN!!

Random Town Game I found



i mean i agree with ur point about high posters but also dont think the high posters would have had the thread influence to change the pressure against heisenberg even if a bunch of them were mafia

so yes and no lol

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i dont particularly pride myself in threadreads or anything but

i kiiiinda think if heisen w/zorvo v that wolves just kinda assumed that zorvo would die today because ive been very loud about wanting that to happen – same with guillo if v – but if they’re v/v then obviously they probably arent super concerned about the wagon formation earlier

im not too sure how much i wanna think about this until a wolf flips so we can see how they positioned around it, like spf just said ive definitely seen many towns burnt by similar lines of logic prematurely

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TWTBAW does not apply to Zorvo.

i think some ppl were if you look at the sheer number of vanity wagons there
none of them really stuck with the heisen voters
and with some afk wolves, some caught bussing, etc. that doesnt feel super implausible

tldr agree with spf


lock town


Phraze posted 20 times today including a read list. Phraze is town.

He does love Cats.

@eevee where are you, you’ve only posted two times so far