Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

He TR’s the Cats

So he has no actual content today?

Not really ATE, more like “gentlemen’s agreement”?


are all of his reads just townreading cats for being cats :skull:


Okay i am sorry but. Someone just shoot heisen lol. This is dumb.

Okay firstly can I get a tldr who are the alts

I know memes and rue

Not really gentlemen’s agreement, more like “trying to be courteous” to someone?

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Oh, hi Ruby, good to see you again.

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Also Incase anyone doesn’t know I am Trustworthy Liberal from MU and such

Good to see you too lucky you don’t have to catch up though


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Saul Goodman = Arctic
Gaul Soodman = GGhana
Heisenberg = Geyde (?)
Zorvo = Seth

Can’t remember others

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You know I USED to be fast…

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I suppose so

not all of his reads
he made a read on zorvo and memes and i think the way he handled his sadbi read is very unconvincing even if so

I have to give him the biggest catboy status

Oh fuck geydes in this game never see him on FM

I guess who’s best to start on I know my own motivation levels and I’ll get through like two I just noticed y’all posted 3000 times wtf

1/7th is my posts tbf…

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Going to bed. I should be back before deadline but if for some reason i sleep super hard dont try to get cute and stick to one of heisen/zorvo/gyr tbh

Everyone look at gyr iso if you are voting one of the other two. Dont tunnel. Gn

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mute sadbi and youll have 500 less to read
what the hell, sadbi