Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

VOTE: Heisenberg

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

i didnt even claim masons with him i claimed masons with howard

but i claim a n0 green on howard

this is true but it can’t be anticlaimed because it’s also kinda not true so sucj it wolves

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@Gyrlander are you claiming killing power?

anticlaim might exist but it’s fine because im a witch

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I claimed it as a n0 rather than my full ability
it is a n0 and every other night ability

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they’ve done nothing but been toxic this entire game, they haven’t really given reads

I’m also tired of the mech soup this games gotten so I want clarity about whatever the fuck is going on with them, if I misread their claim then whatever, I don’t give a fuck but I am getting tired of their antics where they get carte blanche to crybully whenever someone disagrees with them

why would you admit that

I’m sorry, you guys use different names for different accounts so I’m quite confused here. Like GGhana or visor, who the fuck…

it’s normal for a non-town entity

it’s not really normal for a town player

look at their iso
there is 0 solving
they are playing like they need to get this execution and not doing anything else, almost like they win if it happens

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ive had a very similar role in
scientific railgun mafia i think?
i got a cop check if i succeeded

me when I actively derail the game

firstly that is a null point
secondly artic was to do with him actively being insensitive towards my situation
people often read me as “catty” no matter what mood I’m in when they aren’t a big fan of me
thirdly that is actively flaming me still and IM JUST ASKING YOU TO STOP JESUS

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… Are you for real? Okay you’re a joke. I’m sorry what I said earlier. That or you’re openwolfing. Or 3p.

i fake claimed tf out of my role in scientific railgun

admit what exactly
I’m not sure what youre referring to because I happen to not be able to read minds

My bad, I just realised Saul talked about Howard and not Heisenberg and that’s why you didn’t understand. My fault.

my god you guys are gonna be hopeless once i am silenced n1 by the scum of this world

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I’m naturally a pretty quiet player you know
just food for thought

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Oh nvm I’m iliterate

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Sorry ignore that post mb

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