Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

i may have just opened myself to being anticlaimed
oh well

Thatā€™s not true.

Hmmm. Iā€™m sorry ruby for this

VOTE: ruby


You still mad confident on Rokon townread?

Thereā€™s many different reasons a wolf would have to not care at EoD when a partner flips.

What are your thoughts?

At this point Iā€™m only confident on you and spf

Yes it does on an objective level

If I was a wolf then I know the exact outcome of all possible eliminations and I know to plan accordingly

If I was a villager then I donā€™t, so I donā€™t really need to care about the outcome of the day since I still get information (which is exactly how I was playing yesterday)

This is basic mafia gameplay youā€™re not stupid

Will give them in a second.

Anything that made it change or what is the read now?

Define not caring then

And this argument is even more stupider because I flat out said multiple times day 1 that I didnā€™t care who flipped

This is a basic part of how I play as a villager, like come on girl

Im assuming you townread Visor? Whoever that is.

Why would you care in this situation, then?

Lying does not exist
-Gaul Soodman


Iā€™m getting influenced by peopleā€™s tinfoil truth be told.

I was agreeing with you a lot yesterday as you pointed out and i dont know how good you are but if you didnt expect a reckoning of some sort at day start for opposing a powerful wolf role going down and instead trying to kill a strong player then i dont know where your mind is at.

Should we shovel you? I dont think so no. But you have to give account for your actions and then provide new, updated reads for everyone to judge you on. Acting as if everything is chill, auspicion on you is crazy etc makes no sense.

No one is turboing you so just keep playing, and believe me i am sympathetic to ā€˜i wouldnt do this as scumā€™ as i think that myself a lot when being voted.

And not bluffing either
You really think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

If you didnā€™t care, why did you try to change the elimination last second?


i mean Mistyā€™s whole argument relies on me not caring about the end of day somehow being wolfy which contradicts most basic logic about how wolves and villagers play

but itā€™s even dumber because I flat out said that I didnā€™t care, so obviously if Iā€™m a villager I wouldnā€™t really care and if I was a wolf I would act like that so like I donā€™t really see what Mistyā€™s point is

because it was funny

(once again who doesnā€™t tr me and wants to be in a private chat with me tonight uwu)