Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2


I will say yall only posted a hundred times in 8 hours so kudos

This ā€œplanā€ seems very specific in nature, sort of pocket-ish too.

@Achromatic who are the players in this list that if you randed wolf youā€™d try to get rid of as fast as possible? Just based on reputation and their ability to read you.

What do you think now that Hallia flipped town?

Memes isy sussing lock town spf who was pushing the wolf that got limmed all day one. Yall see this

Either heā€™s wolfsiding town or just mafia that canā€™t read the game state

I read this post and im confused.

Read the game state memes

I stated repeatedly on day 1 I was avoiding wagoning people because I didnā€™t want to waste my vote.

no because itā€™s 5 am and Iā€™m not doing homework for something you messaged me about

So am I mafia then?

Tbh if your town I wouldnā€™t put a whole lot of trust into Rue or OutedWolf.
Iā€™d definitely trust SPF and Sadbi, maybe Achro as well.

Remember this when I flip town.

I donā€™t like Gaul, Min, Eevee, Rue or OutedWolf RN.

Iā€™m conflicted on Memes.

can you explain why? or is it just takes you agree with

Multiple things including where your vote placements are and the timing of them + posts.

anyways I got a stomach ache from the cheerios so I donā€™t feel like posting now

goodbye forever

Your probably my weakest sus read but I think you have potential.

I meant everyone. not just me

Hey donā€™t go!
Come back and share some more thoughts!

(Nah Iā€™m bugging, you can do that when your ready!)

What? What are you talking about?


If you got a message last night and it says it is from me, it wasnā€™t

Iā€™ve already explained